What’s A Guardian Angel.

There have been many topic about this, each person with their views.
What is a “Guardian Angel?” That should be the first question.
Mundane: A guardian angel can be anyone, anything that’s like a guide or guardian to you. Could be your Mom, Father, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Best friend etc Thus you will hear some people say, “Oh my wife has been my guardian angel, ever since I met her…” For children, we especially see our Mom as our guardian angel; Mothers are extra caring. And for some of us it’s our Father. It is that simple!
The word Guardian Angel is a pure English words and it can be anyone, anything.
Now let’s come to the Spiritual Part: A guardian angel in this field can be any Spirit, any being. Because it’s just an English word, “Guardian Angel”. So when you’ve noticed a Spirit is been caring, protecting you, saving you from danger, revealing things to you through dreams. He or she is a Guardian Angel to you. It can be a Demon, an Olympus, Djin, Dakini, it can be any class of Spirits.
Even for some peeps whose mother or father is dead, the spirit of their parent stick with them, protecting and guarding their seed. They can be considered guardian angels too. Some people call them Protective Angels.

But why the word Guardian Angel? We all know that it’s in human beliefs and tradition that anything ‘angel’ means good (religion gave birth to this). When lightning struck and people die, we say it’s the work of the Devil, Satan. When the lighting struck but something strange happens and no one dies, we say, “That’s the work of the Angels, the work of God”.
So whenever something humane, good, sweet, interesting happens we say an Angel did it. Which means the word Angel to us human means All Good; a caring being. A perfect being. A being with no stain or dirt who look after us that we may not fall.
When a strange being looks after us, cared for us, showed us love we concluded that he is our All Good Guardian = Guardian Angel.
Generally it should be Guardian, but adding the word Angel kind of give us some sweet, mind pleasing feeling. And for this cause people confused the word Guardian Angel with the actual Holy Guardian Angel.
Holy Guardian Angel.

These are the real actual beings called Angels! They are the ones who are Angels. They are the all white vestement beings lol. That’s how I called them at times.
Just as there are different types of beings in the Universe, we humans included, Angels are one of the beings that exist. We have mermaid, merman, Gnome, Olympian, Dakini, Siddhe, Derocha, Disir, Diamair, Dragons, Wythern, Demons, Vilia, Elanary, Capationary, Pautionary, Prostasia, Promitheftis, the higher Goetia etc
Now if any of the above listed beings choose to be an assistant, a helper, protector of a human, we would attach the word Guardian Angel, even though we don’t know the type of being that’s helping us out.

Who are the Guardian Angels?
Every human, I repeat each and every one of us human has a Guardian Angel. Whatever race you belong to, whatever your belief is, whatever you choose to believe, it won’t change the fact! Evey human has an actual holy guardian angel.
For some people the angel stick with them since birth, for some people the angel come to them when they reach a certain age, and for some people the angel won’t care at all. He won’t even turn up. I once asked my angel why they won’t show up, he said if the trial of the man is too great they won’t go. Because the man has to face the trials alone, but when the trials are weighing him down they would go there and assist him.
“Heaven help those who help themselves”.
He further said it’s not right for them to erase the trials or help us, man, face it, he would only be a help meet, like a third and fourth hand. And for some peeps, their guardian angel would be there with them, beside them but won’t do much beside showing the man guidance through dreams.
He did gave reasons why the Angels won’t show up or goto the man at all.
And some people go miles in search of there guardian angel who refused to come. Some of us embraced Occultism. Some choose scientific method (astral projection – these art isn’t all Spiritual, there are scientific ways to project astrally).
*** I need to quickly clear this, the holy guardian angel I’m talking about isn’t what people termed HGA this days, please. Take note.
My guardian further said that for some peeps, their guardian angel might be a warrior, but the man may be a weakling or a womanizer, and this would piss off the angel and he will leave.
He said some people would have the guardian beside them, putting good thoughts into their mind, how to live life. But the comment from people to such person will make the person feel like he or she is dumb and weak, so they quit listening to the inner voice who has been directing them in the good way which look like weakness to the world. This would really piss off the Guardian Angel, and then walk away. Not instantly, when they realised that their pupil isn’t listening to them anymore but following the waves of the world, they shift back.
How To Meet Your Holy Guardian Angel.

Your guardian angel who should be with you from birth but refused to show up, or maybe he’s there but you didn’t know and you want to be able to communicate with him. To be rest assured that you’re not alone… there are diverse ways to this end.
As for me, when I first heard about Guardian Angel in 2015, I was curious and eager to meet him. I started some prayer, but no dreams no sign. Few days after I noticed there is someone always sitting behind me, but when I looked back there will be no one there. Well, I didn’t care because I don’t know what fear is. I’m way too bold, so I didn’t care if there is something or someone tailing me.
After a month I didn’t see him anymore. After I met him eye to eye he said he felt my curiosity because of our bond created through birth. This made him come to me but I didn’t respect his coming nor did I make attempt to make him reveal himself more to him, this made him left that ‘maybe’ I’m not ready.
Now how did I meet mine, I practiced the Art called Pauline Art or Ars Paulina. I called Chardiel. I was like, ‘will you be my guardian angel?”
He smiled and said, “He’s there waiting for you. Always with you but not with you. He maybe far from you but there is no distance between you two. Wake up, and he will make himself known to you. Seek him, find him…as you did with me and he will do as you wish.”
He taught me something then. I did it, you won’t believe this Dude angel refused to come but filled my room with his splendour. I was consumed, shaking, his cold is strong.
I called Chardiel again, and he gave me a powerful Angel who is like a master. That with the help of that Angel I would get my wish fulfilled.
I contacted that sublime Angel, a white dove landed on the crystal ball looking at me. I bowed my head and then realised the Crystal’s been luminous, I raised my head to see what’s up, and saw a smiling face in the crystal. I explained myself to him. And my ‘hard to get’ holy angel appeared instantly, looking at me eye to eye. I was like, if this master leave hope this dude won’t swallow me. He didn’t appear through the crystal but in my mind’s eye.
That’s how I got mine
But then I found an easier way to meet our Holy Guardian Angel without much stress during my research. I was given a character/talisman, and how to prepare it.
I prepared the character, and placed it around my neck. And I did an astral calling (to carry out an operation like this make sure you have your senses developed, because you shall see through your mind’s eye – third eye). I did the invocation, and boom my guardian angel (who was already with me) appeared in his beauty and glory. He was like: What now? I said I found an easier way to so-so thing, so I’m trying it out.
This is the true Holy Guardian Angel. Very different from the HGA people preach. They are actual holy angels. Who feed on purity, hate nonsense. This is why someone people don’t fancy them, especially people who believe the law of “An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth”. They say their holy angels don’t permit them to strike back, but to learn how to forgive and forget.
Indeed the holy angels are like that, and can be like that at times but when they see a real threat coming your way they won’t hold you back from taking whatever actions you want to take.
In my own case I have a teacher of knowledge as a Guardian, he hates sword or any weapon. He doesn’t use it. He’s a full teacher. So I do my battle myself. The help he does render is to tell me so-so thing is coming my way. So-so danger is coming. At times he will tell me a certain Spirits is coming to hurt me, he was sent by Mr X; be wise, Fero, make friend with the spirit, he would be of great use to you. When the Spirit arrive, I would meet him with a smiling face, ask of his name. I won’t show him anything scary or utter words he can’t withstand. And lo! We automatically become pal. There are many Spirit I have met in this manner.
And these can be termed as one of the purpose of having a Holy Guardian Angel.
Some people believe in having a Patron than chasing the guardian angel because of the method Abramelin described.
But they didn’t understand that the six months operations Abramelin talked about isn’t to meet the holy guardian angel but to prepare himself for the veritable wisdom, usage of the Magic Square; powers to reign over the Infernal Princes, Demons.
The only reason I won’t support Abramelin method is that it involves a silver plate and little child. To get a silver plate won’t be so much easy, and a child…oh it’s a No no for me.
I won’t reveal the character given to me or talk about any method in meeting holy Guardian Angel, no! Because it will be abused. People now practice lots of jargons, lots of rubbish but they believe what they are doing is called Black Magic. I can’t give chance of getting stained to the Angels. Because if people like that start making contact, seeking their attention, they would be surprised how in heaven does someone like this know how to contact them or got this powerful symbol to attract them. And in the end they will find out it’s Lux Fero’s handwork. Nah! I don’t that for myself. My method is no child play or years of practice and meditation.
Note: You can summon any being, and discuss with them that you want them to be your guardian angel, except what you want is those actual holy beings. But if you just need a Guardian, protector, helper, then any being can be of help. And yes, you can use the term “My Guardian Angel”, just that the word holy will be missing. It doesn’t matter.

Please can you share this seal with me 🙏
I would also like to ask you if you can teach me
If it’s not something you’ve had Knowledge about before, it’s wrong for me to let it out. Because it needs a little teaching in other to use it, it’s not something one can jump into. Yes, I can teach you if you’re willing and ready to learn. Mail me, kindly.
Hi Lux….I think I met mine at least twice. In a very detailed dream, we met, we spoke, I offered him a drink even and to wake up my parents so he can meet them and all. I remember it clearly to this day. ALmost everytime I asked my Angel to send me a sign that he is with me I got it. Last time was in 2015 and never again after that. I don’t know what changed , but I need to contact him again, I need help, I need support. I have been trying to do magic a little in the past 3 years, learned a lot, but my life became up and down rollercoaster, though I would have to tell you all about it in detail to understand. I am affraid that I have done something that caused my life to go absolutely bonkers (I do not invoke demons or anything dark or LHP related). At the end I was in 2 wars and this right now feels worse. I am trying to reach Barachiel, but I have nothing to go by and at this point I just need help. Would you teach me and would you share the seal with me. Rest assured I am not into black magic I am Orthodox Christian and firmly believe in God my whole life and by my own choice. I have been showed His grace and that manifested so that others witnessed, but that is another story. Help if you can, teach me if you can and words would not be able to explain the gratitude if you could share the Seal. Tell me if there is anything you need from me as proof that this will not be absued and I will be happy within my possibilites to provide you with this. I don’t know…Feels like God is “mad” at me….
First of all, I can’t give out the seal or talk about it at all.
And I’m not against those who are into Dark Art (known as Black Magic), I avoid those into dirty works (also known as black magic).
Faith doesn’t count here but the requisite knowledge. So be it a Muslim, Christian, Jew, whatever without the requisite knowledge, I won’t share this ineffable knowledge or the seal.
I hope you understand.
Yes, of course I do. I respect you even more for it. Blessings to you.
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