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Word of power

Divine Powerful Mystical Words Of Power.

The Occult isn’t only about talismans, herbs, seals and spirits characters. There are words of power, incantations, and many more.

The importance of knowing incantations and words of power is that they are not like talisman or seal that could be stolen or misplaced. Some spells could be destroyed, even the powers of seal or talisman can be withhold, but not words of power or incantation. The only way someone can lose the power or the ability to use the word of power is if an enemy make you lose your memory. Because even if you can’t talk, if you recite the incantation with your mind it will work.

But words of power and incantation are very dangerous at times, especially if one doesn’t know the full knowledge of the incantation. A word of power to take away pain in the body can also be used to put pain in the body. A certain word of power can be used to take away headache but at the same time it can be used to cause terrible headache. You don’t need any ceremonial preparation beside your tongue and mind. Just whisper the words and the spirit would hit the head with a big bar (invisibly) and instant headache would strike that head. So it is not recommended or advisable to teach people words of power or incantation.

My reason for talking about this topic today is to enlighten us all about words of power and give out one or two word of power.

A friend to my Sister who showed interest in this path, though it’s all around her but she doesn’t know herself, she was too religious. She complained that she always have terrible dreams, at times people would come to fight her in the dream. When she astral travel at times and she came across troublesome spirits who are ready to hurt her, she always run away or fall back into the body. I taught her few words of power and how to use them. And she has been OK since then. The funniest part is that some of the trouble makers now see her as someone worthy to be above them, to relate with them. They said just because she has ‘all light’ spiritual bodies doesn’t mean they will honor her, she has to prove that she is worthy. Now she got their faithfulness, obedience, and they have helped her a lot in life.

What I gave her then is Word of Power and Incantation to destroy all manner of witchcrafts and sorcery:

1. To destroy evil plants or a strange one or sorcery/charm found in your home or surroundings or haunted objects, be it talisman, candle spell, seal, charms anything soever that is evil, witchcraftry, sorceries; even if it’s a calabash with materials or clay pot with evil contents.

2. To instantly hinder an evil practice or sorcery from taking place. To halt the operation of another person.

3. For cleansing oneself from bad aura, witchcraftry or sorcery, a sudden attack.

4. To fight and conquer in the dream. Even if you eat something strange in the dream and it’s affecting you when you wake up.

The fourth, To fight and conquer in the dream: There are times where we would be stuck in our dream and would need help but there is no one to help and we would end up screaming. A lots of people have been conquered in the dream and their reality fall apart. If you find yourself in such situation speak out the word of power. Depending on the situation and what you need. At times if you called to be saved, you would be waken here. If you want fight, you use the word of power that relates.

Note that you must have this words of power, names or incantation installed in your memory, engrave them on the tablet of your heart, so that even if you’re unconscious you’ll be able to remember and use it, you will be able to call the names for help. Just like how Christians shout ‘Jesus’ at everything that happens around them.

The words to use are:

* Onuroro, save me! (If you feel stuck and nothing seems working anymore or maybe you’re loosing strength, then call on Onuroro. Even in astral journey.) Onuroro, shield me! Onuroro, protect me! Depends on what you need. Onuroro, (use your word).
* Hacedion, Kuta-Al, Lewuwat, scatter them like smoke. (If you need to stay and fight, these Angels ears are wide opened to hear you).
* Ani Yod Hé Vau Hé: Regnum eius regnum sempiternum, et potestas eius in generationem et generationem…(be silence and bow to your Master or away from my sight or whatever you want that moment).

I won’t show much. But these little I’ve made it as simple and as pronounceable as it can. I made sure English language are present there. It’s far better that way than bringing some language hard to pronounce and there would be lots of mistakes while using it.

* Do you wonder who is Onuroro? He’s a great Angel, he’s as fast as light or even faster than that. This name, this Angel can scare off any Spirit, force them to do things against their will. He’s many things. He has saved me in the past a lot.

For those who like Astral projection, whenever you’re stuck or facing troubles, Onuroro is whom you need.

Some other big Angels that can do these are Duwatu, Buwatie, Atuesuel, Bolectu.

For the number 1, 2 and 3 it’s an incantation and lil long, not for beginners. If you are at home and you need to destroy an evil object, you’ll need to get water and then recite the incantation over the water, but if on a journey you will use the sand/soil under your left leg.

Whisper the words over it: Oh why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing…etc The Angels of this operation are Orumo, Oruma, and Oruromo.

A little explanation…

People believe that anyone soever can use words of power or incantation, but no. There are simple words of power but powerful, same as incarnations that can be used by anyone but not all words of power can be used by anyone. Yes, they would be able to say the word but there will be no effect.

There are some barbarous words of power that can’t be joked with, and if you don’t possess the energy to wield it there would be no effect at all. Example of these words of power are present in the Book of Moses. People think it’s not working or maybe the words are not true, but it is working and the words are true but if you don’t have that energy that preside over the words, it can’t work.

There are seals that suffice, that can work in place of the energy. The Grand Seal for example, if you have it you can wield any power soever. Even language of the magician that doesn’t work for anyone, it will work for you if you’re armed with the grand seal. Instead of using a seal of any type to serve as the energy some people prefer to labour and get that energy so they won’t be dependent on a seal.

There are words of power that can cause great destruction, accidents and this same words can be used to correct wrong doings, the ish there would be the operator. If they haven’t master the energy in them and how to control it.

At times with the requisite energy mere English words can do wonders. You can stop bleeding with mere words from your mouth, you can command, do and undo things easily.

* The Energy I’m talking about is the same as what people call power. That magical power is the requisite energy. That’s how magicians are called magicians, not by doing different operations or rituals.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. abdoatman

    Ani Yod Hé Vau Hé: Regnum eius regnum sempiternum, et potestas eius in generationem et generationem>>>>to make spirits obey ?

  2. Jimmy

    Hello there great lux feroif i want to cleanse oneself from bad aura which word of power should i use?

    1. LuxFero

      There are words of power I can’t throw on the internet…To cleanse aura, fill a room with Angelic energy so that a Demon would never be able to penetrate in are parts of it. Because there are lots of readers and those who doesn’t fully understand theses things.

  3. abdallah

    wich to make spirits obey ?

  4. Ben

    Hello sir any psalm in conjunction with words of power of Hacedion, Kuta-AI,Lewuwat Thanks. anks

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