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Two Edge Sword

Two Edge Sword Vol. 2

“There is a book titled Two Edge Sword written in Yoruba language by a man, Olohundare. It isn’t the same with mine at all. I do have the Olohundare book, and wanted to translate it to English and let it out but I sensed that people here in Nigeria would see me as a bad seed, who let out secrets they treasure so much.

Also, the talismans, charms, stuff written in the books have herbs attached to them which I don’t know the names in English. Even Google couldn’t help. So I say let me put this aside and release what I have with me, knowledge passed to me by the Angels.” And other spiritual beings that I’m familiar with.

I talked about my book Two Edge Sword volume 1 here. And though I’ve been wishing to give out the volume 2 but I was told to shift back, that the contents in the book are too heavy.

According to the guardian with me, he said there are people eagerly expecting such book. In the sense that this volume 2 consist of the sharper side of the blade.

The title is Two Edge Sword 🗡️: Which means the book has two sides; the good and the bad. It can be used to raise a neighbor from the mud and cleanse them. At the same time it can be used to destroy a neighbor: Two Edge Sword. One side is sharper than the other.

The sharper side of the Sword is the volume 2.

Though a lot of people don’t know what the title of the book depicts, nevertheless I had desire to clarify things and release the sharp side of the blade.

But I was always told not to release such contents, that the world would go from bad to worse. I had to take down 5 of the operations in the book.

It is necessary I take it down because there are people who don’t exercise patience at all. Though when they don’t have a gun they know how to persevere and ignore. But if they get hold of the sharp side of the Two Edge Sword, which would be like a loaded gun in their hand, they won’t have patience anymore or perseverance. They will shoot and hurt whomever step on them.

Yet I can’t abuse the book because it’s a Two Edge Sword, I left some sharp blade in the book.

– He came back and still saying the book is still too much, that such knowledge can’t go into the public. He goes like, “There are out there people of Gomorrah, and children of Sodom, they will use it for their own selfishness and evil thinking”.

I said I can’t take down anything from the book, because if I do it losses value. It means I’m not true to myself and to what I do and I’m not true to those who patronize me.

There is a runic symbol I got in one of Solomon’s Lemegeton, and it’s in use. So the spirit behind the runic symbol came in and said I should make it available for everyone but not everyone should be able to jump at me and purchase it, especially kids who roam the internet looking for baneful work to attack ex bf or gf etc. He also made reference to a recent incident where a high school girl who came to school with a gun to kill the teacher who made her cut her hair.

Long story short…the Two Edge Sword Vol. 2 is available for $200 and in PDF file.

Mail me on if the few contents from the book catch your interested.

That’s it.

Lo! I had to perform an operation at the completion of this book so whenever people abuse its contents, when they choose to strike someone who doesn’t deserve punishment it will yield no result. But for those who deserved to be punished, it will yield great effects.

Indeed, “vengeance is mine” is the word but some vengeance are best carried out by the oppressed, by the one who suffered the blow.

But you can choose to live on with shame, regrets, hurts and the mindset that God will fight for you… especially if you worship the Christian’s law.

The greatest commandment they say is: Whatever you can’t tolerate do not do to your neighbor. So if a neighbor do to you what they can never taste, if you give to them what you can’t taste there is nothing wrong with it.

The only way these can be called evil is when you react on things you should just hiss at and move on. Even Christ cursed a tree that has no fruit when he was starving.

Questions are welcome.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Guzuboss

    Lux fero how many seals are in this book?

    1. LuxFero

      There are no seals there but what we call Talisman.

      1. Guzuboss

        Oh one more question the third pentacle of saturn in the book when you say it scare the night and day what do you mean?

        1. LuxFero

          I mean it doesn’t work at night alone.

          I realized when we use night protection for those Spirits that crawl in darkness and hide in shadows, they come during the day to do their harm.

  2. louisikce

    Great content here.
    Surely even more effective than the ritual you post regularly on your blog.

    Thanks for putting this out there!

  3. Jim team

    Lux fero the part in the book with second pentacle of jupiter is that method potent enough to get money without a job?

    1. LuxFero

      Depends. If you add the Ninth seal to it (Book of Moses).

      If you mingle with people a lot, maybe friends or family who does have money, they will be nice and open their pocket for you.

      But if you are not charismatic nor mingle with people, it will rarely work, except if you have a job.

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