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Third Pentacle of Mars: Potent Protection Spell.

The Third Pentacle of Mars. – It is of great value for exciting war, wrath, discord, and hostility; also for resisting enemies, and striking terror into rebellious Spirits; the Names of God the All Powerful are therein expressly marked.

The purpose of selecting this Pentacle for this operation isn’t to excite war or sow discord but to resist enemies attack and to fight off stubborn Spirits lingering around. The advantage this Pentacle has is that beside the purpose of selecting it it can do more martian operation for whomever uses it. I won’t go into details.

Like I always say these Pentacles do much more than what’s written in the book. There is a method to where you can use this Pentacle to sow discord among friends. You can use it to bring enmity in a gathering, church, mosque, even a party. And at the same time it can serve as potent protection. Even if you have a friend or family that lives far from you, you can put them under the wings of this Pentacle and they surely will be protected from evil attacks, evil eye, demonic attacks, curses and more.

When I did this operation for myself I was expecting some angelic being to arose and work but those who came aren’t Angels. I didn’t actually see any being appeared, after some hours that I finished the operation, I did a quick scan and those I saw aren’t angelic in appearance at all.


* Now to further test this seal, I sent myself a baneful attack (yea, I do that some times to confirm how powerful the spell is, to know its limit etc not advisable though but I still do it sometimes) just something to cause me headache, or minor accident. When I was about to finish the evil operation, I saw someone placed sword at my neck, with a voice, “Enough fun! Don’t test me”. I was like, “erm uh uh well erm I’m just making sure… ” Then this white vestment guy appeared (an angel), looking at me like… 🙄

* I didn’t stop there. Oh I forget to say while I was preparing my own seal I made a mistake, after burying the seal, one of this wandering Spirits came around and said, “Are you still planning suicide? Looking for a way to kill yourself?” I said I don’t understand him. He said I’ve directed the Pentacle to work against me.

I was shocked. I quickly called the angel who enlightened me and he said I’ve used the wrong words and I didn’t prepare the seal well. He said if I had buried the seal like that it means I’m telling the Pentacle to kill me as soon as it can. Whaaaat? Hehe

So I got the corrections, and I did it correctly. Finished it. And did the scan. Saw them like pillars or barriers defending or guarding something very precious. And I saw a big train coming at them with speed, this creatures didn’t even shake, they were just there as if nothing is happening. Then of a sudden I saw the train turn left and ran off.

That scan result made me call it ‘Potent Protection Spell’.


Preparation Of The Seal.

To get the service of this Pentacle, write it on a clean A4 paper, any time any day, with clean ink/pen. With verses from the Bible below it.

Here is mine:

3rd Pentacle of Mars: Protection Spell

Everything should be in a box, the talisman and the Bible verse. Don’t use the whole A4 paper for this operation, it will be too much and hard to seal.

(I changed the Hebrew alphabets, to Latin. Same as the versicle around the talisman; but the Vau is untouched).

The Bible verse is this: For He will command His Angels concerning me, Lux Fero (put your name), to guard me in all my ways; they will lift me up in their hands, so that I will not strike my foot against a stone; those who curse me will be cursed; He shall wound and execute even kings on my behalf.

When you’re done with the Talisman + plus the words, fold it and wrap it with red thread or silk.

I’m sorry I didn’t have a photo of my seal after wrapping it.

You’re to bury this seal, deep in the ground. Not too deep though. That’s all.

For those who are good with divination, scanning, check the operation after completion. See what you did. Scan how potent it is.

That’s all. Questions are welcome.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Jimmy

    Hey lux fero thank you for this spell how should i fold the paper?

    1. LuxFero

      First, fold it in equal half. Then fold it again… Continuously, until the paper is small enough to be wrapped.

      Note, it shouldn’t be too small else the wrapping will look rough.

      When you are done preparing the seal, mail it to me, let me confirm if it’s well done.

      1. Jimmy

        lux fero does the color of the thread really matter?

        1. LuxFero

          Yes, a lot. It matters a lot. Really lot. It is one of the major key of the seal.

  2. John Quartey

    Lux Fero, when you say ink/pen did you mean any pen like biro pen or old fountain pen and ink


    1. LuxFero

      Any pen. Biro. Pencil. Anyone.

    2. Peter Emeka

      Greetings Lux Fero,
      i wish to work this spell using all possible mars correspondence that i know. viz
      i will work it on Tuesday, do the writting on red paper, with green ink, burning mars incense, then when finished charge it as said by solomon with psalms and oration from the book before burring it.
      Please am i over doing it?

      1. LuxFero

        Well, the term ‘charge’ is very vulgar here. Modern knowledge invited ‘english’. The correct word is ‘consecrate’.

        You’re not really overdoing it. But on a paper and not a metal? Not bad.

        After it’s done, scan it. Divine about it, see if it’s potent enough or has enough virtue to do wonders…. So it won’t be my words.

  3. abdallah

    can I add hair of cat that I want protect it

    1. LuxFero

      It won’t work.

  4. Peter Emeka

    Greetings Lux Fero,
    i wish to work this spell using all possible mars correspondence that i know. viz
    i will work it on Tuesday, do the writting on red paper, with green ink, burning mars incense, then when finished charge it as said by solomon with psalms and oration from the book before burring it.
    Please am i over doing it?

  5. Jimmy

    Lix fero when you say to fight off stubborn spirits lingering around do you mean the ones who come to oppress

    1. LuxFero

      Yes, and those trouble makers who just like causing trouble everywhere they go.

  6. Innocent Darlintine Ashiabor


  7. Innocent Darlintine Ashiabor

    Please can I engrave it on a metal pendant and put on my neck and how do I activate it?

    1. Lux Fero

      Yes, you can engrave it on a metal. But then, put a hole at the top of the metal, write the words on paper and pour it in the metal and seal it.

      To finalize it, kindly, mail me at after you have prepared the seal on a metal.

  8. G.Hunte

    Kindly would like to know how long does the protection last for. Eg one year or forever

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