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The Creed

First of all I can’t remember where I got this creed from but I found it in one of my old books today.

People have said there are no rules, no laws in Occultism. Many I’ve discussed these with will instantly quote me the words of Aleister Crowley as if Occultism started with him or as if he’s the master of Occult. There are rules, laws, commandments but many don’t know these things. They just get books, read and start practicing.

Here is a creed I think an aspirant, practitioner would need in other to succeed in their endeavours. In this creed are some piece of words that are in the laws. But this is not the laws or the rules but a creed some group or organisation use; it’s full of potent words.

The Creed.

Hear now these words we bestow
To dare, to will, to be silent, to know
Forget not what you reap is what you sow

Be fair to all with whom the planet you share
Give and take fairly and be always aware
To live and let live with kindness and care

Be ever mindful of the law of three
As good and bad come back to thee
Not just once but times by three

Stay clear of fools and their foolish mind
Lest you be counted amongst their kind
Your name with theirs forever entwined

Loving and faithful to a lover be
Give thought, word and deed in equal degree
But sever ties if they are not true to thee

Respect and honor your body and mind
Exercise, eat well and treat yourself kind
Then happiness, confidence, and peace you will find

Surround yourself with friends who are true
Be as kind and caring as they are to you
Then they will always be there for you

Think wisely, speak thoughtfully and listen much
To concentrate, meditate, affirm and such
Always apply a gentle touch

In these words you should place your trust
If it harms none, do what you will
If it causes harm, do as you must.

And for those lucky enough to come across the tables of law, plus this creed…they ought to be read and re-read an infinitude times; engrave them on the tablet of your heart. They are your stepping stones to that Light.

“Leave impuissances behind thee, and be ye ready to rise to power! For to doubt is to lose one’s reason; and to pause is to fall.”

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  1. Michael Ilevbaedion

    The wisdom of God rules the world’s!

    1. LuxFero

      Yeah, and I’ve heard it many times. But tell me, What is the Wisdom of God? Let me hear it and tell me how it can help you walk through darkness. No religious dogma needed, please. Just talk about that God’s wisdom and I’ma prove to you that the Creed is part of His wisdom.

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