Whenever people hear the word Familiar Spirits, they think of evil and wicked Spirits. Some even think familiar Spirits are always in animal form, some call them animal spirits. But no! There is no fear or there should be no fear in the words ‘Familiar Spirits’; but fear has been created, not by religious people alone but by other Spirits who claimed they’re Familiar Spirits to people and all their works are evil. These is where people see that word Familiar Spirits as evil, and see these beings as enemies.
I’m not saying there are not wicked and evil familiars, in fact there are devilish Familiars. Each Spirit has their nature. Also the house of the Spirits matters; the type of Spirits the Familiar is. I’ve met with lots of clean, calm, powerful Familiar Spirits of Demons. And at the same time, I’ve met with some Familiar Spirits from certain Demons who are wicked, evil, they hate human; and except you know the names of Angels that frustrate them or characters that terrifies them they will make you their slave, lead you astray. Some will even go far as telling you that they will give you the power to perform miracles if you would give them little sacrifice in return. But after you’ve been known by people, they start requesting for big sacrifice. They may say kill an infant, and pour its blood by T-junction.

I questioned one Familiar Spirits who has done that for the people of Ancient Days, I asked if he eat the child body or drink the blood. He said no. He doesn’t take blood nor feed on human body, but hatred for human made him lead them into destroying themselves and leading them to peril.
Familiar Spirits are vary. There is no one type or kind of Familiar Spirit, they are of different nature, they share different beliefs, they work for different reasons; and their powers are vary too.
Abramelin describes some Familiars in his Book Scared Magic of Abra’Melin:
“We must understand that every man may have Four Familiar or Domestic Spirits, and no more. These Spirits can serve you in many ways, and they are granted unto you by the sub-princes.
The First (Familiar Spirit) hath his period of power from Sunrise until Noon.
The Second, from Noon until the setting of the Sun.
The Third, from the setting of the Sun until Midnight.
And the Fourth, from Midnight unto the Sunrising of the following day.”
The above description doesn’t mean that All Familiar Spirits are like that. I have some excellent Familiars who can work any time, any day, always with their powers.
And it doesn’t mean a man can only have four Familiar Spirits, it was the Art Abramelin practised that described that.

The Familiar Spirits are very prompt, and they are able to execute in most detail all matters of a mechanical nature, with the which therefore it is well to occupy them; as in historical painting; in making statues, weapons; they are also good in Chemistry, and so much more.
These Spirits can take any form you wish, some may take the form of lion if you’re willing, some like cats as pet so they tell their Familiar to assume that form. Some can appear as a roman soldier. They can take any form or shape they want. They are not always animals. But there some sorceress, witches who gets a normal cat or animal and then possess it and call it their Familiar Spirits. No! Two different things. A real Familiar will change into an animal, you won’t need to get an animal and tell him to posses it.
He who has Familiar Spirits is free to avail himself of their services under whatever form may be pleasing unto him – but note that excellent, big and powerful familiar Spirits likes to serve people in high position, like Kings, Chiefs, Great Sorcerer, Politicians etc. But for people who aren’t of high position but may need familiar Spirits too, you can employ the common ones. They are powerful too, very powerful but not as great as those called ‘excellent Familiar Spirits’.
Note that some Familiar Spirits are falling Angels, who became Demons. And their are other beings like the Olympic Spirits who gives Familiar Spirits. There are other Spirits who gives Familiar, Demons are not the only beings that gives or has Familiars.

Infernal Familiar Spirits:

I used to think only the infernal beings gives Familiars until I met Driffon, Abuffon and Abluffon. These are great and excellent familiars. When I met them, they walked into my chamber of magical operation without stress or any discomfort. I was shocked! I asked how they could penetrate the type of energy in that room, I said, “No infernal being can or had ever penetrate it or could ever do so, what type of infernal beings are you guys?” They replied that they are not infernal nor do they relate to them.
These three Familiars said they can work any time, I was even surprised when they said they have servants under them. Because most common familiars don’t have.
Some More Operation That Can be Administered By These Beings.
– They give Scientific information.
– They give visions (one of my familiars has done that with me many times.)
– They can reveal the secrets of others to you (I’ve avail myself of these service many times, they reveal to me what people think they’ve hide well, what people think is hidden).
– They are good in healing.
– They know about love and affection.
– They can help in demolishing buildings; make a house fall to the ground; to ruin possessions and estates; to destroy a tower; to destroy stronghold etc.
– They are good in discovering theft.
– They can give dreams or visions of beautiful places, beautiful world, fantasies; and make it real as if you’re there.
– They help in obtaining money (one of my Familiars once told me he can help me get money in my bank account. I asked how! He said he will go to a bank and make them mistakenly type in my account number while they’re trying to pay into another person’s account – note: that’s not the only way they fetch in money).
– They can make you hear different kinds of music, and bring you movies, etc. (I tried this once but my guardian said I should be careful with such, that some familiars use that means to do evil, I didn’t question him at all, I stopped. Though my Familiars said they are not like that, that they are not hater of human).
And many more…….they can do a lot.