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Qabbalistical Invocation of Solomon

This Invocation was given by Eliphaz Levi in “Rituel de la Haute Magie”. It has its many purpose but I will be talking about how to make the invocation into a Seal.

This invocation should be written with any ink, any color, on any day, any time, on a clean A4 paper. And to be wrapped with a thread of color red.

• This Seal doesn’t serve one purpose. The instant you finished the preparation and have the seal around your neck or have it on your person, be it your pocket or anywhere in your body, 15 Angels will instantly appear, who will serve the bearer of the seal faithfully.

The Seal isn’t directed or assigned any work but the Angels that will appear will do for the bearer of the Seal what their office does. That is, they will do for the bearer what the creator assigned to them.
For example, let’s say among the 15 Angels that appears are two angels whose work is to cleanse both physical and ethereal body from all dirts, dark aura, negative energy…the instant they appear and noticed you’ve such evil substance in your body, they start working on cleaning it.
* Let’s say two among the 15 angels are healers, they will immediately start working on you if they see that you need it.
* If there are those whose works relate to bringing in money, they start doing it the instant they appear.
That’s how this seal works. It isn’t assigned any work but the works of the Angels it will attract you shall get.

If it bring you Angels that only deal with love, then you’ll notice it. If it brings you Angels that are warriors, fighters, they shall always stand beside you to destroy anything evil, bad coming to you. Destroy evil eye like it never exist.
Read this invocation yourself, see its contents, assimilate it; such is the type of Spirits it will attract to you.

The Qabbalistical Invocation.

Powers of the Kingdom, be ye under my left foot and in my right hand!
Glory and Eternity, take me by the two shoulders and direct me in the paths of victory!
Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendor of my life!
Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me!
Spirits of MALKUTH, lead me betwixt the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the temple!
Angels of NETZACH and HOD, establish me upon the cubic stone of YESOD!
BINAEL, be thou my love!
RUACH CHOKMAEL, be thou my light!
Be that which thou art and thou shalt be, O KETHERIEL!
ISHIM, assist me in the name of SHADDAI!
CHERUBIM, be my strength in the name of ADONAI!
BENI-ELOHIM, be my brethren in the name of the Son, and by the powers of SABBAOTH!
ELOHIM, do battle for me in the name of TETRAGRAMMATON!
MALACHIM, protect me in the name of YOD VAU
SERAPHIM, cleanse my love in the name of ELOAH!
CHASMALIM, enlighten me with the splendors of ELOHIM and SHEKINAH!
ARALIM, act!
OPHANIM, revolve and shine!
Hajoth ha Kadosh, cry, speak, roar, bellow!
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh!
Hallelu-jah, Hallelu-jah, Hallelu-jah,
Amen. Amen. Amen.

I apologize I won’t talk about the full work and usage of this seal, nor how to utilise it for more better use because I keep getting warning that alot of people try to use what I post for selfish gain. Evil use.

People don’t know that the Talisman I give out to clear Blockages isn’t child play. I get lots of spirits who comes around saying I’ve sent them away from where they are ruling. I remember one Spirit who came to me angrily in the midnight, shouting: “Lux Fero! Lux Fero! Lux Fero! Why? Why? Why? Why would you give to the world a power to clear blockages?”

Some of the Spirits even told me to take down the post, that they will bring me more clients. And that those who come to me that want their path cleared, I should give them crazy charges and give them a weak blockage clearer. I can’t agree to this, so I’ve decided that I won’t always give out the full usage of anything powerful that I post.
Each time someone use my blockage clearer, I get visitors. But some of the spirits know me so they don’t take it too serious, they just get pissed.

This seal of the Qabbalistical Invocation posses lots of power and blessed be those who are able to do it and great Blessing be onto those who has no blockage soever that will hinder them from getting the service of this Seal.

* To empower this Seal the more, add Psalm 100 and 110.

Questions are welcome.

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Amadasun

    Half knowledge is dangerous. You have posted a wonderful invocation that I am sure would change the lives of a lot of your readers if fully and properly explained. The post does not even say whether the seal should be constructed into a talisman, colours e.t.c., so you will have many users going off in their attempts to red between the lines and figure things out and perhaps in the process end up doing irreparable damage to themselves?

    1. LuxFero

      If you read well you will find the answer there. It’s an invocation it can’t be made into a Talisman but into a seal. And I think I put the the color of thread to use in the post.

      1. dijanawinman

        Can you explain in what way that we need to wrap the seal with thread? I don’t really understand what you mean by that. Wrap it in a ball covering completely or how?

    1. Amadasun

      First off, I think you do an excellent job as it is, and no, I am not in the business of scaring anyone. I read between the lines and understand the full breadth and range of the use of this invocation, even its targeted use. My point is that many others may not.

      1. LuxFero

        Now, I understand your point, and I appreciate. But people are not new to my works, my way of tweaking this things and making it effective.

        And for those who doesn’t understand, they ask me questions right away. But I’ve made it simply so that anyone can use it but those who aren’t familiar with preparing a seal, wrapping it with thread will not very much understand. Even about that, I’m open to answer questions. Teach those willing to learn.

        Bless ya, Amadasun.

  2. Amadasun

    Thank you Lux Fero. Your Qabbalah invocatory seal is incredible, I created it as you directed and immediately the angels of the sephiroth attended and brought an overwhelming sense of peace and renewal. I will not go into too much details except to say that the seal is priceless.

    1. LuxFero

      Oh wow thanks for the feedback…I appreciate.

  3. Anum-Ra

    I have been using this kabalistic invocation of Solomon for many years but from what you have stated there is more to it, can you point the way for me, please.

  4. superget

    I saw angels when I said: angels of this seal appear….But I did not feel by anything …and I saw demons too !

    1. LuxFero

      Ok. But if I may ask, how were you able to differentiate those you see?

      Can you tell me the appearance or the sight you behold?

  5. John Quartey

    Hi Lux Fero, l made the seal and used it, but left it in my pocket and unfortunately my wife washed my clothes and ruin it. Can l make another seal?

    1. LuxFero

      Yes, you can make another one.

  6. Paul

    Can this prayer be typed instead of written by hand and then turn into a seal like you instructed/described?

    1. LuxFero

      Yes, it can be printed, typed…

  7. Tyle

    Psalm 100 and 110 should be written in the back or the same page in a next paragraph after this invocation.

    1. Lux Fero

      At the back or on the same page
      Both ways work.

  8. Ade

    Thank you sir. Can we apply perfume of our choice to boost the work of the seal?

  9. Sammy

    What perfume specifically will you recommend please?

    1. Lux Fero

      Six flower oil, Sasorebia, Bintu, and their likes.

  10. Olaniyi Olagbaju

    Thank you sir. I made the seal yesterday evening and I put it under pillow and slept off.To my surprise, I dreamt seeing myself escaping from what looked like a prison with uniformed guards trying to cath me but were unable.They pursed me but I remained uncaught. They started sending signals threatening me and boasting that I can’t evade arrest that I will soon be caught through signals by their colleagues. Suddenly I say two beings who seems like my brothers following me and felt like they came to aid me and I kept running then thinking I will give them my loads and disguise to evade my arrest.On my way running, I stumble on a market,I stopped to buy soup ingredients but I can’t find tomato but only pepper and I bought it with plantain from a woman whose face was not too clear and left with those my aids and I woke up.This happened @11:44pm yesterday.
    Any way out please?

    1. Lux Fero

      Wow I would have loved to give you this translation via Yoruba language. English can’t very well give the proper understanding of this secret revealed to you.

      1. AshMann

        My plan..On a clean A4 paper i make a complete circle,and then a inner circle,where at the top I will add the pentagram followed by the blessed various holy names of the 1 and only creator. And in the empty space in the middle I will add,write the given invocation of Solomon, then write the psalms 100-110, burn them both and empty the ash in the middle of the written invocation,( I’m no expert but I am sure that there must be another pentacle to be written out correctly and burned to ash and added before folding and sealing in order to supercharge this,just my instinct telling me but I know not which),and then to be carefully folded and sealed with red as instructed..What do you think Luxx ??..Advice ?..Yes,no ?..Oh and thank-you for all your works,insights,tips and all your shares😊

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