“This prayer aforesaid ought to be said in all perils and dangers, for it keepeth men in health, it maketh sick men whole, it doth obtain remission of sins, it pacifieth anger, and increaseth friendship, it comforteth desperate persons, it cherisheth the poor, it mitigateth the wrath of God, it overcometh all tribulations and perversities, it driveth away tempests, it doth frustrate enchantments, it doth constrain and bind spirits. And it ought to be said fasting and kneeling, and with great devotions, and he that shall work by it must be humble patient and chaste.” Sayeth the author who giveth this propitiation.
This oration or prayer is something I have used a lot in the past, a lot. One time I got plagued and it was as if my left leg got shorter than the right one. I couldn’t walk smooth, I knew it was the mistake I made in one spiritual practice that got me plagued. I couldn’t live on with the pain, so I resulted to the Divine Majesty oration and I was whole again. It is that powerful, it erased the plague and forgave my shortcomings.
I have used it to clear financial blockages too, used it to build bodies of light, that which religious people pray for and called the anointing or power or blessing of the holy spirit… and lots more.
If you are very familiar with my work you would understand that I, Lux Fero, don’t just do copy and paste, I make sure I get to the bottom of it. I know the in and out. Pros and cons. Strength and weakness – to cut short this epistle, the given names here, angels of course, do not turn up when called upon. That is the bitter truth. I have even called them stupid beings before. They won’t answer no matter how you recite the oration, the fast, the purity observed; if you are lucky maybe just one or two will turn up and even though they came or you felt their presence do not rejoice yet for they may vanished upon their appearance. That was why I called them “stupid beings” then.
How could you see me in that weak state, humbly beseeching your grace and you did came, looked at me and leave. How heartless! How stupid!
Well, am I called the Master of the Art for no reason? So I said there is no reason fasting and kneeling to observe this propitiation. Let’s make it into a seal instead and use constriction… or coercion? Haha. Well, a way to make it work, to make them come and render the needed services.
The Divine Majesty.
Agla, Monhon, Tetragramaton, Ely Deus, Ocleiste, Amphynethon, Lamyara, Ianemyer, Sadyon, Hely, Horlon, Porrenthimon, Yelur, Gofgameli, Emanuel, On, Admyel, Honzmorb, Ioht, Hophob, Mesamarathon, Anethy, Eryona, Yuestre, Saday, Maloht, Sechce.
After that thou shalt say this prayer:
O my God, father almighty, of everlasting power who art able to make him clean that is conceived of an unclean seed. Primellus, Principium, Primogenitus, Sapiencia, Virtus, Sol, Splendor, Gloria, Pax, Lux, Panis, Os, Verbum, Salus, Angelus, Sponsus, Propheta, Agnus, Ovis, Vitulus, Serpens, Aries, Leo, Vermis Hear mercifully the prayers and invocations of thy servant, that through the virtue of thy holy names, my body being washed, I may see thee visibly whilst I live, with thy nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee. Amen.
Strong Elscha, just Abbadia, most pious Alpha and Omega, sweetest Leiste, most potent Oristyon, most excellent Yeremon, lofty Hofbor, Merkerpon the helper, Elzephares the defender, Egyryon the protector, Pheta the generous. Hear gently the prayers of thy servant, that through the gift of thy grace and through the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary thy mother, and of thy angels and archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, and all thy other celestial angels, and of thy apostles Peter, Paul, John, and James, Andrew, Matthew, Simon, and Jude, Philip, Thomas, and Barthlemew, my body and that thou by the annunciation, conception, nativity, circumcision, piercing, baptism, and ascension of thy most blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wouldst vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body that it being washed (your ears will be opened to me and though shall hear my humble request and grant it), that my soul may worship and praise thee for thou, God, art mighty above all and merciful, Who livest and reignest God in Unity and Trinity, and shalt reign, world without end. Amen.
After that, say these names:
Ombonar + Ineffable + Stimulamathon + Non-substantial + Invisible + Oryon + Unjudgeable + Ethion + Impermutable + Nomios + Most Merciful + Pep + Immeasurable + Nathanathoy + Incorruptible + Theon + Immense + Usiston + Glorious + Porho + Entirely + Of Mercy.
After that, say this prayer following:
Look gently to the prayers of thy servant, not having respect to the innumerable iniquites which I haue done against thee, for if thou regardest our iniquities, O Lord, who may abide thee, but thou, O Lord, doest lift the feeble from the Earth and the poor out of the mire. In the virtue of holy humility and obedience, as it is written, “He was obedient even to death,” and in another place “I have humbled myself very low which humility thou didst vouchsafe to take upon thee,” and, “to suffer for sinners.” So gently receive my prayers, for I confess and know that thou hast mercy upon all creatures that call upon thee faithfully, as David sayeth, “an humble and a contrite heart thou shall not despise,” and in another place, “the Lord is neigh to them that call upon him truly,” that thou wilt raise my soul from the darkness of my body and from the filthiness of sin, that my body being washed and, that thou by the annunciation, conception, nativity, circumcision, piercing, baptism, and ascension of thy most blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wouldst vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body that it being washed, (your ears will be opened to me and though shall hear my humble request and grant it), that my soul may worship and praise thee for thou, God, art mighty above all and merciful, Who livest and reignest God in Unity and Trinity, and shalt reign, world without end. Amen.
Here followeth the names of the Living God:
+ Fothon + maker of Heaven and Earth, + Lethellete + who hast stretched out Heaven above the height of the clouds, + Hysmas + who hast established the Earth above the waters, + Adonay + who hast appointed the sea her bounds which she cannot pass, + Hachionadabir + who hast set the Sun and the Moon and all the stars in the height of Heaven, + Omytheon + who hast done all things through wisdom, + Hofga + who the sixth day didst create man in thine own similitude and likeness, + Leyndra + who didst put Adam and Eve whom thou gavest him for a companion, in the paradise of pleasure, whom also for transgressing of thy commandment thou didst by and by cast out of the same, + Nosulaceps +who didst accept Abel’s oblation, + Tutheon + who didst destroy the world and the wickedness thereof with the water of the flood, + Gelemoht + who didst save Noah and those who were with him in the water of the deluge, by whom also thou didst restore again mankind + Paraclitus + who didst appear to Abraham thy servant at the foot of Mambre in the likeness of three persons, + Occynonerion + who didst take up Enoch and Elias into heavens to fight against the tyrant + Ochothas + who mercifully didst deliver thy servant Lot from the drowning or sinking of Sodom and Gomorrah, + Abracio + who didst speak to thy servant Moses in the midst of a bush in a flame of fire, + Anephenethon + who madest Aaron’s rod to bud and florish and to bring forth fruit, + Abdon + who didst bring thy people mightily out of the land of Egypt from their captivity, + Melthe +who didst open the way in the midst of that they went through dry footed, + Sother + which gavest thy people a law in Mount Sinai by the hands of Moses, + Usyrion + who gavest to thy thirsty people out of the hard rock innumerable waters to drink, + Baruch + who broughtest Daniel the Prophet out of the Lion’s den safe and sound, + Sporgongo + who didst cause the three children, Shadrac, Mishac, and Abdenago (that is to say, Ananias, Azarias, and Misael) to come harmless out of the burning furnace, + Genovem + who didst deliver Susanna having a sure trust in thee from the false crime of the false judges, + Messias + who didst preserve the prophet Jonas in the whale’s belly three days and three nights, + Pantheon + who madest the prophet [David] to escape the hands of Goliath with victory.
O just, mighty, and patient God + Agios + Otheos + Hiskyros + Athanathos + Eleyson + Ymas + Kristi, strong, almighty, and immortal God, Jesus of Nazareth, full of mercy, who only through contrition of heart dost forgive sins, hear, most gentle and merciful Lord the prayers of thy servant which I speak through the power of thy majesty that through thy mercy and grace which thou hast given to thy saints thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant unto me, let the power of thy Holy Spirit come down upon me thy servant although I be full of sin, yet made of thee, which may obtain forgiveness of my sins, that through thy celestial dew the foulness of my body may be put away, that my body being washed and that thou by the annunciation, conception, nativity, circumcision, piercing, baptism, and ascension of thy most blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wouldst vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body that it being washed, I may visibly see thee whilst I live, with thine nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee for thou, God, art mighty above all and merciful, Who livest and reignest God in Unity and Trinity, and shalt reign, world without end. Amen.

* This oration/seal should not be used on Thursdays only. Well, as the author prescribed and I will say since it is an Art, it should be respected that way. But if worst comes to worst and you feel this is the seal you need, do not hesitate. Use it! I repeat, use it on Thursday if need be and no-thing will happen to you!
You may write out or print out this oration or prayer but make sure it’s on one page as it will be tweaked to a seal. If you are in possession of temple incense… that will be hard to get. Lignum aloe or frankincense incense will suffice too. Make either of the incense into powder, be it aloe or frankincense; then write this words on a small clean paper:
AL SDY, et potens, et terriblis יהוה, commands it!
Burn the paper to ash and mix the complete ash with little portion of the incense. Pour them on the oration and seal it with two to three colors of thread. Done.
For those who can’t secure this incense, at the back or below the oration, write those words and seal it with two to three colors of thread. Perfume it beautifully well and it is done.
To avail yourself of the service of this seal, pick it up and hold it with any hand. Perfume it. Blow strong air on the seal and say whatever you wish for in a well explained and detailed manner. Do not use words or grammar or English you do not fully comprehend for whatever you speak into it it will do, even if you make mistake. Blowing air on it means “open your ears to hear me”, so whatever it hears it will work on. Speak boldly, speak confidently; do not use mere explanations, be very detailed about it, speak as though you see whom you are talking to words for words and say your request thereafter. Kiss the seal and go keep in a clean place.
If you wish to have this seal to serve you for protection purposes only, indicate well the type of protection you seek in the places you are to put your request; seal it. Perfume it well and then bury the seal. Done and active.
You can make as many as you wish, directing them to work in different areas of life.
Did I mention that it can be used to do evil and send baneful or deadly attack to an opponent or to punish an offender? Well, I won’t talk about that part I just want you to know.
Read the oration carefully, especially the excerpt given, so as to understand what this oration, Divine Majesty, stands for.
Questions are welcome.
Merry Christmas! Wow! You are so amazing Master Fero, amazing! I do have a question. Should a different seal be made for each individual request? Thank you, so very much!
1-please can I bless anyone through this seal ?
2- can He used in divination ?
Master, please I believe using the local dialect in making our request will suffice?
Please where should we put our request 🙏
Yes, perfectly.