I will be talking about the making of consecrated water also known as holy water, though not the full ritual but a mini ritual.
It’s important to know this mini ritual because there are cases where you’ll urgently need the holy water and a Catholic church may be far from you, where you can get one.
I could discuss the full ritual too but it will be abused, misused. Also, it’s to be noted that consecrated water from Catholic church is not the highest or purest water when talking about magic. There are some type of water that is prepared with Spirits Characters, ineffable names, but this are very rare. In most cases, most magical services only requires normal or regular consecrated water, that which the Catholic Church provide.
The Mini-Ritual.
Get a bowl of clean water, and salt. (You,vthe operator should be clean too, because this is why the water prepared by some people don’t have any effects at all; if you’re dirty in body, soul and mind it will affect this work. And that’s why people prefer to get the water from churches.)
The First Prayer: O Great God Tetragrammaton, who dwell on high, whose ways no one knew nor comprehend, hallow be Thy Name. As it is in Heaven, let Your holy will be done on Earth. Give unto me today the power to fulfill what I’m about to lay hand on, and by Your Name let this ritual be a success.
O ye Angels of this hour, come and take your place here, and support me in this operation that it may be a great success.
Lay your hand over the water say: I exorcise you, O creature of Water, of all negativity both seen and unseen, and bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Say over the salt: I exorcise you, O creature of Salt, of all negativity both seen and unseen, and the blessing of the Father be upon you; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from you. Amen.
Add the consecrated salt to the water, with this words: I cleanse and consecrate this water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Ghost! May this substance enhance and purify all that it touches, through You, O Great Adonai, who live and reign for ever and ever. Fiat. Fiat. Fait. Amen.
It is done!

* This ritual of the holy water is in no way Christianized or in a Christian way, note that. Using words like name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost doesn’t mean it’s a Christian way or anything. All of these things has been existing before religion came into existence. That’s why some people prefer using Agla On Tetragrammaton in-stead of the Holy Trinity which Christians claimed to be theirs.
* A lot can be done with this water, for consecration of magical tools and other stuff, for purification of bath, etc.
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this mini holy water ritual is very simple and useful. I only know how the last sentences (Fiat. Fiat. Fait.) should be pronounced in my Italian language or is it pronounced as required by law?
Then if I can I can ask you something by e-mail if I can.