I have a friend in the US, we recently started chatting and he was telling me about someone who is like a Mom to him, who was there for him since childhood…but she has pancreatic cancer. That’s sad, very. Watching someone who is your second Mom slowly dying and you can’t help.
He asked if I could help, if I have a seal that can help or anything. But before I jump into anything or any work, I first divine, know about what I want to face, I don’t just jump into working. Like, oh cancer? I know a spirit that work in that area. Nah! If I’m not in a place to do a deep Divination, I result to a quick scan.
When I checked about this person illness ah I was shocked and surprised. The sickness isn’t ordinary at all. It was an evil attack! This is where I explained to him:

Knots…all over her stomach. Now, the instant I see this I got an idea of what’s wrong exactly and I know the kind of Spirits that does dirty and evil work as such. But I’m guessing it might be too late to save, just my guess!
I know this kind of work, when it’s finished and fully prepared, you send it out to whomever you wish. When it hits the person, it can take any form, turn into anything. And in her case, it resulted into cancer. This is serious. The doctors will be treating cancer, but it is not cancer. No! It will only surface, appear as though it’s cancer. Doctors will see symptoms and traces of cancer cases they’ve had, and start giving treatment on that till the patient finally pack up, death! And we just conclude, “she lost the battle”. Believing that cancer killed her.
Now why am I surprised seeing that her sickness is an evil attack, baneful work and very surprised about the knots too… it’s because things like this are common here in Nigeria, and I never would have imagine it could be in Europe, America. Like, I was thinking it’s an African or Nigeria thing, I never would have imagined that the White attack themselves like that too. I thought it’s only here.
People here send themselves evil attack a lot; a good charm will cost you money but a baneful one won’t cost you much. It’s easy for anyone to get hold of here. A slight quarrel between neighbours won’t be settled simply, nah! Hatred has been planted automatically. And they start attacking themselves with dark works, some will goto herbalists. That’s why we’re very religious here. Our people are. And our kind they hate because what befalls them doesn’t touch us and it annoys them more because they are religious, Christian, Muslims, Born Again, prayer warrior but we are nothing like that. We wake up on Sundays like it’s every other day.
But those who suffer this things most are innocent who doesn’t understand the type of world they live in, who believes scientists rule the world, who believes every quarrel or argument can end with words or physical combat.
I met a German long time ago who was explaining his illness to me. I knew it isn’t ordinary but I can’t say so I don’t want to sound stupid. After lots of his explanation and I keep saying God will see him through, he should see doctors etc he opened up and said he is been haunted by a ghost, but he’s always given sleeping drug, and treated as a psychiatrist patient. I was surprised. I checked to see what’s wrong and I saw that he made a terrible mistake with a lady. He terminated her pregnancy because he wasn’t ready to be a father, this abortion took the lady’s life. It’s the lady’s family members that want their daughter’s spirit to hunt whomever caused her death.
All of this surprises me, I was always thinking it’s our thing, that it only exist here, that the rest of the world deal with technology lol. I know India still keep and respect their tradition, but a place like UK buried everything Magic, Occult. England! why?!!!. And I thought that’s how it is to everywhere beside some Africa countries and India, I didn’t know spirituality still exist somehow, somewhere there.
Evil Attack.
luminatedarts.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/36446_logo-1.jpg” width=”476″ height=”338″>
I know lots of this work myself, even the Western baneful magic. Charms. Evil arrow.
When sent to someone, you can give it description of what to do in the person’s life, maybe to ruin him slowly, make him a prey, feed on him till he give up life by himself; to make him jobless; to dissolve his marriage; to give him a vital accident or mere one; or to give him a deadly disease and to make sure he dies of the disease…and so much more. All of which will appear natural to people, like some will say that ‘it’s just life challenges everyone face it’. The wife that has been good and perfect in your eyes will suddenly not look good any more, and everything she does will start irritating you.
People! The world we live in isn’t scientific but Spiritual. And we’ve to take note of everything that appears out of the blue, no matter how little or small it is. Or if you have a case that keeps doctors terrified and baffled, and they are saying it’s unusual or not normal, you should step out of medical line.
Some of us even have protective or guardian Spirits that’s helping us in silent, where by the impossible of the doctors suddenly becomes possible and we would think ‘Oh the doctors hasn’t seen such case before so they thought it isn’t normal…’
Do we even know what gives birth to the drugs we take? They deal with leaves too, herbs. But Science isolate, that’s why there are side effects in their drugs. You’re having headaches, you bought a drug that help ease headache but you will get insomnia as side effect. (Maybe I will talk about this some day).
Stay safe people, everything shouldn’t be medical, if you know how to pray, yeah, do it! At the same time don’t attach spirituality to everything. Balance it.