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Theurgia Goetia: Talisman.

I’ve seen plenty topics on the internet concerning Goetia Spirits (Demons), but not much about Theurgia Goetia Beings.

These beings are seen as demons because the the book has ‘goetia’ as its title. But they are not Demons, they are higher than them. Though some Demons power, energy may be bigger than some of this Theurgia Goetia Beings. It doesn’t change the fact that the Theurgia Beings still have their crown and are higher than the Demons.

As if that isn’t enough, Theurgia Goetia mean Higher Goetia, like Higher Evil Spirit. The word ‘evil’ there is how human (sages, hierophants, sorcerers) defined them because they are the kind of Beings that strikes if treated bad; they take on awful appearance; some of them have foul odour; just like how the Demons are described in the Book of Goetia.

These kind of Beings also accept pact. Yea, they ask for big price for whatever you want from them.

Not everyone knows about summoning Spirits but they need their service. Even those who knows how to summon and communicate with Spirits fear approaching beings like the Theurgia Goetia. That’s why I thought of making a Talisman that can give the service of these beings without evoking or invoking them.
I had to find the Angels that preside over them, wasn’t easy (I worked throughout the night). Then called forth the Great Angel that prepared the Talisman in the manner of Sacred Art.

Here it is:

Note: These beings won’t delay or tarry in anything, they will do what they are sent to do and leave instantly. They don’t have time to wait around. They just go straight to what they are sent to do. Their work is fast. There is no set back in using the talisman and there is nothing to fear. It’s perfectly fine.

Usage Of The Talisman.


It can be used in different ways. It serve lots of purpose. Just write your name where the N. is. And your request below it.

* It can be written on a metal (gold, iron, silver, bronze) according to the Angel. But I didn’t show interest in that area. What I myself know about this is that if it will be on a metal, and you need it for love matters, shape of love should be in the center. For riches, something relating to money should be there. For protection, something relating to a shield or something relating to the type of protection you want. I know the mysteries well.

* It can also be made into a seal. But I didn’t show interest in this area too.

* For Spell:
Regarding day and hour in correspondence to the service you want doesn’t matter at all. For example, if you need their service for love matters, no need to cast the Spell on a Friday. It may even be Tuesday, just do your thing.

• Write this Talisman on a clean A4 paper, write your name in the vacant space, and your request below it. Be careful here! write exactly what you want them to do for you, don’t confuse them by writing something complicating. They will leave and do nothing.

After you’re done preparing the talisman, with your request in the middle of the circle. Burn the paper to ash. Make the ash into powder and blow it in the air.

Or make the ash into powder, add it to your water for bath and bathe it.

• For those who have their senses opened and have the Grand Seal, after you burn the Talisman to ash place the Grand Seal on the ash and take it away. You will instantly see the Spirits behind the Talisman appear.
Ask them what they they will do for you, you’ll be surprised they will tell you everything you wrote on the paper that you desired.

– Burning it to ash and blowing the ash in the air isn’t the only way to complete the spell. If you want to use it for powerful stuff, heat the paper before writing the talisman; burn it to ash on a cutlass; depends on the service you need, you can either blow the ash in the air or bury it. But if you don’t have the Knowledge of this things don’t ‘try’ it. Just use the procedure I described.

– You can also make it into soap.

Questions are welcome, if there is any.

Link to download the Theurgia Goetia pdf version if you wish to learn about this class of Spirits.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Victory

    How do you heat the paper and please, what kind of powerful stuff are you referring to.
    Thank you for the post.

    1. LuxFero

      To heat it, you may place it in the sun, or on a hot surface for a short time.

      Sample of the powerful stuff: To clear Blockages (if you want the Spirits behind the Talisman to work angrily – that’s why I called it powerful stuff).

      For example, there is a woman in labour and doctors say there is no hope for her but surgery. You planned to help her and then you perform whatever means or spell or ritual to help her but you found out there are forces behind it, who also won’t let your ritual help her.

      Next thing is to result to the powerful and dreadful side of this Talisman. Terrific Spirits will appear instantly.

  2. Victory

    The place where you write your name is it your full names or just your first name.
    Thank you.

    1. LuxFero

      It can be your name, or full name. Both works.

  3. Bruce

    Great post! I will try this tomorrow for a love spell. My goal is to have sex with a random hot girl i meet in a shop. What do you think , will this work?

  4. Bruce

    Can you pls respond to my comment? Do you think this will work? I will write, “the next time I go to the shop a woman (I will specify age and appearance) will approach me, be infatuated, and ask me to have sex with her in the store”

    1. LuxFero

      I can’t tell if the Spirits behind the Talisman ‘will’ do that.

      But if you use the right word, maybe they will attend to your request. But there is nothing wrong in trying.

      Give it a go.

  5. Bruce

    Will do, and I’ll tell you how the results turn out. Can you please share some talismans particularly for my goal?

  6. Bruce

    Ok, Luxferro I tried and it was not successful. I’m looking forward to you sharing talismans particularly for this purpose (seducing random women for sex)

    1. LuxFero

      Like I said before, I don’t think the Spirits ‘will’ do such work.

      I can’t release something like that, I’m sorry. Not to public or to anyone in private. Spirits for lust always take something back.

      Seducing random women for sex isn’t part of my gifts.

  7. Bruce

    I understand Lux. How about seducing one woman (making her fall in love)? Also do you know a method to make her move close to you even if she lives in a faraway place? Are there spirits that can teleport her?

  8. Ben

    What’s the grand seal

    1. LuxFero

      It’s an all powerful seal. The ‘grand’ seal. Like, the master seal.

      1. Ben

        How can I get the grand seal?

        1. LuxFero

          Ah that’s not something anyone can get. The seal can do great wonders as well as great evil. If it gets to the wrong hands…it won’t be good.

  9. MagicName

    Lux can this be added with soap, if i it to work continually ?

    1. Lux Fero

      Depends on the request there. But, yes, you can do it like that.

      1. MagicName

        That is very good, because i used it (in the blow ash format) and for an entire day it worked bringing me money, but after one day everything returned back to normal.
        If i have for example 3 soaps(this one, the first pentacle of the sun one and the freedom for hex, blockages), can i use the three to take a bath(all in one go) or do i need like, bath with one, dry myself, take another bath with another and so forth ?
        And lux just one more thing, can the theurgia goetia spirits help with the astral senses?

        1. Lux Fero

          No problem. You can do it the way you explained. Yeah, the Theurgia being can do it too. Make your request known, burn it to ash and apply it to soap. Use it to wash your head alone + face.

  10. Maria

    Mr Fero, can I use liquid soap to shower with ashes in it , or do I have to prepare the soap for this operation,also can I use a print copy of the talisman or it has to be writen

    1. Lux Fero

      Yes, you can use liquid soap. It can be printed.

    2. Lux Fero

      Yes, you can use liquid soap and a printed copy.

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