The Second Pentacle of the Moon: This serveth against all perils and dangers by water, and if it should chance that the Spirits of the Moon should excite and cause great rain and exceeding tempests about the Circle, in order to astonish and terrify thee; on showing unto them this Pentacle, it will all speedily cease.
* Editor’s Note.– A hand pointing to the Name El, and to that of the Angel Abariel. The versicle is from Psalm lvi. 11:– “In Elohim have I put my trust, I will not fear, what can man do unto me?”
This Pentacle…if been correctly made, can serve lots of purpose. And as it’s Lunar related (Moon), it can work around anything water related. Take note of this, anything that has to do with Moon has connection with Water.
I wrote the versicle around it in Latin, but the angel’s name plus the other name in Hebrew.
I prepared this as a Talisman for protection against dangers of night; night attacks, evil arrow that fly by night, evil eyes that’s sent at night, everything night attacks.

There was a time, anything past 7PM I always face trouble. I’m always surrounded by cobwebs, where it always come from I never knew. If I free myself from one, some seconds later I’m surrounded by another. I called an Angel and asked what the cob webs does, he said ‘to slowly destroy you’. Ohh really, cool! I know how to handle such case. It was that same day I prepared this Pentacle, and I was trouble free that night, and all other nights.
I’ve had many successful experience with it. I remember a lil girl who always had nightmares, she wakes everyone with her scream every night. I prepared this seal, and gave her Mom who doesn’t believe in anything beside ‘Bible’ and ‘Holy Ghost fire’, but she accept it from me because her pastors and prayer warriors couldn’t do anything to help, she was ready to try anything. The seal was placed around the girl’s neck when she started panicking as usual, says her Mom.
She always give her sleeping pill everything so she could fall asleep. But with the seal on her, she had a good night rest.
Note, the seal isn’t meant for this kind of operation alone. It can do more.
I just almost read all your posts , you are such a blessing.how to enter un contact with you , is there a way to become your student ? Here is m’y whastapp contact :+236-75-41-69-94.
I really need your help , and teachings
Thanks. Regards
How is this one prepared just print it out and seal it with blue thread is that how its done?
That’s correct, but the color is not blue but black.