I first spoke about this creatures here; and the mage who accept to exercise it.
When he used the word of summoning: “O, Dragarn! E male, soi ftengometta tesd’hup anakess!” A Dragon appeared to him, his name Lomanor. Age is 1173.

He didn’t stopped there.
The great dragon in the movie Merlin, Kilgharrah, I made contact with him. And I told Altair to call him too because the Dragon said some words I don’t fully comprehend, so I want to hear it from someone else if it’s fact and not me imagining things.
He started by asking me of Kilgharrah’s sigil as the method they’re used to in contacting Spirits but I reply him thus:
Here is his publicly shared testimony:

I believe you understand now what the Dragon told me that I couldn’t believe nor comprehend?! Plus what my Guide said, “It’s whom you are”.
So I’m not the only who confirmed this, that the Dragons are real, and this put my mind at rest.
But the young mage thinks the energy planted inside him by the Angel I sent is something infernal, because that’s what he does and believe in, like they call it ‘Black Magic’. I had to correct that; he wants to grow the power and he seeks out some infernal beings…
I understand though if he thinks the power is infernal because many people see Dragons as evil creatures, fractions of dark sorcery, but there are different.
Below Are Images Of How The Non Genuine Dragons Looks Like.
I called it non genuine because they are not of the real creatures Nature provides even though they look similar to the actual creature.
And many more. And these are the kinds of creatures people see in the dream, they wake up to say they see a dragon. People don’t know the different. Even before I myself learnt about the existence of the actual dragon, I’ve met some creatures similar to these beings and called them dragons because I don’t have the knowledge then. Knowledge is like oxygen.
That will be all. There are Real Actual Dragons and there are other creatures that looks just like them, and are revered as dragon.