When it comes to love communication is the fuel that fans its flame…but when “the communication” is down, the love will fade off.
I’m still working on the Conjuration Of Moses Law (talisman) and it was revealed to me that it can be used for an operation of love.
For married couples, not those who are into courtship or bf/gf thing. My major reason of avoiding to talk about spells relating to love matters.
For example, your wife or husband isn’t stable, like whenever there is slight quarrel their next option is to pack out of the house and leave. Or for people who already separated with their partners…and you want them back into the house.
The great Spirit taught me this:
To get a fine soil.
Water from beach.
Thread of two colors (relating to love matters).
The hair from the head of the husband or wife.
And these Talisman:
I didn’t stop there. I questioned her. I said this is a way to make a lover who leave return, tell me, shouldn’t I be curious about why the lover left in the first place?
She was happy with my question, she replied thus: Good question, John. Women suffer violence a lot because of stuff like these. If a man gets hold of a talisman like this one and its preparation, they start maltreating the lady knowing full well that she can’t leave. If she pack out and leave no one will talk to her before she come back to that house she left out of pain, sorrow and anger.
So men do abuse this privilege. Some will start maltreating their woman, suffer them, and when the woman can’t take it anymore, she will leave. Even if she was beaten to pulp and she ended up in hospital, and her whole family members keep saying “Enough. Get a better man. You’re not returning back to him etc“. They are all bluffing because after 24 hours, the spell/talisman will strike again. She will start missing the man. Looking for every means to go back to him.
She would be the one telling her family members that her husband is ready to change and turn a new leaf. She would be ready to fight the whole family so she can return to her man.
Fero! Think well before you post this. There are women out there who love wholeheartedly while men are just about the pleasure. If some men get hold of these, they will turn their women into slaves, into punching bag because she will never leave but always return even with more love in her heart… because talisman love is controlling her.
The men who do these are not evil but you who possess the knowledge of good and bad and choose to reveal such secret is the real evil.
I was totally out of words. She enlightened me more about marriages, how homes break and how people don’t look for the right solution or the reason behind the collapsed marriage, what they are concerned about is charms, spells to bring the lover’s back.
She told me story of a woman…
Her: There was a woman who left her first husband because he was poor. They’ve had 3 kids. She was hopeful that things will change but their situation worsen. So she walked out of the relationship.
She met a man in one of the big city in Nigeria. They got engaged. She framed lots of stories about herself, and lied that she never had a child.
…. To cut the story short, the man was about to wed her, and a silly argument happened between them. They fought and separated. But the man loved her so much, he started going to her friends, looking for ways to bring her back. Then he thought of using spiritual means. He was successful with it. The woman returned. Something bad happened between them again and he himself sent her packing.
Few days late犀利士
r he started missing her. He regretted his actions. He did another love charm to bring her back. They came together again though the woman love towards him isn’t strong as before. They two now realized that there shouldn’t be any conflict between them at all but ever since the talk of marriage there have always been one. They decided to step out of religious belief and find answers.
They met a Spiritualist who told the man to thank his ancestors and thank his head. If not he would be dead. They were shocked. The Spiritualist exposed everything about the woman, and said the Spirit of the first husband (we call it Ẹlẹda in Yoruba language) is the one always bringing conflicts between them, so that she will never taste peace and if any one is against that will he would kill them.
The point in this story: When couples fight and separated or one walk out on the other, the next step isn’t always charm, spells or means to bring them together but to know what caused the separation. Be it something spiritual or mundane. Because if the source of the separation is still there even if they come back together they will separate again.
If the man is an abuser or the type of men that believe they are lord of the home and wife is a cook and baby manufacturer, even if the spell bring her back into the house she will leave again because she want to be seen, taken and respected as a wife not as baby-mama or a chef. So her will would li犀利士
ft the spell from her face and her consciousness would return, she will leave again.
If the woman is the one on the wrong path or a cheater and the husband left. Though charms, talismans of love can help bring him back but if the wife didn’t change her way of life, he will leave again. (About this I know a dirty means some women in Nigeria have used: they will take away the consciousness of the man away, he would become like a dummy. He would wake up to do the dishes, clean the whole house, etc. Even if the wife bring another man into the house and if they are making fun in his presence he would only be concerned about his wife well being, telling her sorry as she moan in ectasy).
That is the way, that is life.
I let her know that I don’t post anything concerning eros love on my blog because of abusers. Those who will use it the most are youths full of lust and adults with youth blood still in them.
Here are testimonies from people who have used these talisman (Conjuration of Moses law).

Talisman of power (Mediation). So if these person keep using the seal, even without the seal they will start seeing visions. While walking in the streets and they set eyes upon someone with the mindset that, “I want to know about this person”, the answer will come instantly.
That’s all.
Reading all these things just gives me goosebumps. It is beautiful what you are doing!
what if you do not have beach water
Hi Lux,
If I have a specific person I want to attract whom I only know their name, or have their pix how do I go about it