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Piece Of Knowledge About Certain FAIRIES.

Now in the occult world people majorly knows about Angels and Demons, but there are countless Beings in this world.

Long time ago I took my time to explore the spiritual worlds when I learnt about the beings known as Sidhe.

I came across the name in the movie Merlin. I saw how this type of beings are contacted and its interest me. I became curious, I want to know what they do. Is there any way they can help man, etc.
I first tabled my curiosity before Lalahel, a teacher of Wisdom. That angel is very knowledgeable. He said those beings are real. And that they can be contacted with the language used in the movie.

According to the movie, they summoned the Siddhe elders facing a river, so I thought I would do that too. I searched around looking for a river that looks somewhat like the one in the movie and I saw a lady who directed me to one.
I realized that fear kind of seize my heart, I began to think that something might go wrong. I was outside my body, these operation isn’t physical, so I thought what if they hurt me, what if they do this or that…then Lalahel appeared and said they will welcome you with a smile. Well…. let’s do it then.

I called out, ‘Not gwithim sar! Dar labran trimshah! Ashruith inn Sidhe, is Lux Fero messe.‘ This is the interesting part! Just like how those creatures appear in the movie, I instantly saw orbs of light, glowing, floating over the waters… I couldn’t believe my eyes. Then a being approached me, he spoke as if he knew me before.

Ahh Lux Fero… finally!
Me: You know me?
I do. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’ve waited for this day…it is an honour.
Me: (I was dumbfounded) Well, erm I saw you guys in a movie in human world and wanted to confirm if you are real or not and it seems you are. (I was quite). What do you do? What will human benefit from you? How can you help man?
He smiled and said, “We can do a lot“.

To cut the long story short, I didn’t stop there. I dig deeper till I was granted a passage to enter their world. With the help of Lalahel, of course.


I came across those called Sodomy and Dakinis. I did my research, fetched answers and informations.

I came to know about the beings called The 31. This group consists of the Sidhe, Sodomy and Dakinis. I collected their names and the language to call them forth. They do have their characters (not sigil), but using the language to call them will suffice. It’s very potent.

Yes, this beings, this creatures are real. Just like the Dragons, Unicorn, these ones are real too.

  • The Sidhe.

To summon a Sidhe, say: Istur omnia (Sidhe Name).
The Ten Names of the Sidhe in The 31 is: Tursapi. Omniapeti. Romolati. Olomorati. Pamarati. Lomoroti. Adusati. Kulusati. Parasati. Fomorati.

There is a spell to summon legions of them, and it’s their leader that will lead, but those I listed out are sufficient for practice.

These are potent and powerful ones, they shall do your will as thou would wish.

  • The Sodomy.

    (best image i could get online that describes them)

The words to summon them is: Itunzu omnia (N.).
Their names are: Forolnia. Adulsonia. Paranojiah. Astolnia. Paranomia. Hanomia. Lukonomia. Chronomia. Thosonia. Thesalonia.

  • The Dakinis.

The word to summon them is: Itunzu omnia repti (N.).
Their names are: Adutasia. Malatasia. Ritacha. Ganamatasia. Alutasia. Dunasia. Alasia. Grimatasia. Gomatoes. Calphia. Lumatosia.

I’ve listed out this Beings as they also have more to offer humans, and it would be cool to check on things outside this Angel – Demon stuff.

* I learnt that this beings can take full human form even though they look small in appearance. One of them said they do come physically to human world at times.

* They have helped me in many ways. They helped me restored someone who lost his ability to see vision. They helped to enhanced my little brother astral senses, and that of a client in 2019. And there is this Muslim scholar that are popular known as Alfa that asked for their services to fetch money from him from a friend who owes him a big debt but refused to day. The friend contacted the scholar after three days and explained the situation he is in, and reasons why he couldn’t pay him yet. And many more…. they are good. The 31.

* To summon this beings see that you have your senses developed, so that you’ll be able to see and hear them.

* I later found out from the Sidhe that an ocean, a river is not necessary to call or summon them. They said they can come to any place at any time.

I should add that these beings possess good knowledge, there are healers among them too.

When you have an encounter with any of them, let them know that it is ‘Lux Fero’, and not your own knowledge. Because some of them may question you! “By whose authority do you summoned me?”

And if you don’t feel like contacting any of The 31, you can call on the Sidhes with the same language I used: “Not gwithim sar! Dar labran trimshah! Ashruith inn Sidhe, is Lux Fero messe.” Don’t put my name while calling them but yours.


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