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Haunted House Cleansing

I was summoned for a house cleansing yesterday afternoon. It went well but wasn’t so cool.

The landlady quit four tenants from her house, and chooses to let out the rooms but people don’t turn up. They only come to check the rooms and leave, no one ever come back. I did my findings and found out the tenants polluted the rooms before they packed out.

When I got to the house, I went to one of the rooms, I saw a very big snake in the center of the room, it has its head up ready to fight; there is also heat coming from the room. I spoke with the Angel with me about this and he said that the snake is no entity. That the beings set the trap and leave; the snake is the trap.

Well, I did my thing, and the snake vanished. The heat slowly went from 100% to 0%.

I got to the second room, I perceived the foul odour of giant ant, heat and another strange foul odour. I made used of the Grand seal with me, and the odours was gone, no more heat. I checked the room with my other eyes and saw that it’s clean.

I got to the third room, I could feel great heat that it affected my body temperature too, I got high temperature instantly. I did my thing using the grand seal, and I saw these beings, they are like shadows, they all ran out. I cleansed the room.

What I did to this room isn’t something to hurt the beings there or anything violence related, I instead destroyed the cord that attracted them to come to the house, whatever connects them to the rooms, the source, that’s what I destroyed. They will leave willingly seeing that they have no attachment to the room anymore.

All that went well…I saw those Shadow Beings didn’t leave but hanged around. I called them to come but they wouldn’t. I spoke with them, why they won’t leave, why they came etc.
They said they knew I was coming. While I was chatting with them, I asked a question and I was replied with a question, and I kinda raised my voice, a little angered but I quickly buried the anger, I didn’t know that short anger hurt one of them. So they refused to leave.

One of them said to me: “You will leave soon.” I find that funny, I asked will you return back to the rooms when I left? The reply was: “We are supposed to leave but we won’t, because of what you do, because of your action.”

I was confused, because I did nothing wrong, I hurt no one, I didn’t call any Spirit to force them out or use sword or violence on them, I only destroyed whatever the tenants put in the rooms. I didn’t know what I did wrong, so I asked.

You broke your own law, you go against your rules“, they replied. I was shocked, I said: No! I don’t break my laws, I never go against my rules. “But your anger did“, one of them said.
I was instantly ashamed of myself. They said one of them got hurt. I even heard something that’s shocking from them: We’re not the only ones you have hurt with your anger, others are talking about it too. That’s why we won’t leave, we will return to the room when you leave.

I apologized to them and said I don’t mean it that way, that I mean no one harm, and that I did buried the anger I didn’t let it rise. But they won’t believe me, they said that I am my anger, and anger came from the thought and it is I that had the thought, and so I am the Anger!” I apologized, and I said I will heal the one who was hurt. One of them said we will take care of him, we don’t need you.

It wasn’t cool at all, I was so sad because everyone knows Lux Fero is different; I’m a peace maker, I fight when there is need to and I strike if I have to, but I am peace and caring.

So this angered them a lot, thinking I hate them, but I made it known to them that I don’t: “I make more friends, not enemies, and if you know me well, you’d understand that I hate none, I’m friend with every.”

They later said the injured one has been treated and okay; and they were ready to leave.

I had to make this a long post because I want people to learn. Many think when they are faced with case like this what should be done is to kill the beings they see there or kill the snake or whatever they came across, which is not right at all. These beings have feelings; don’t blame them wherever you see them working, something, someone brought them there. Just invite them to leave or destroy whatever connect them to the place. Or if you know the type of Spirit or Angels they fear, call the Angel, the moment he appears there they will leave. The Angel won’t fight them or kill them but tell them to leave. And respect, honour, and peace be between you and them.

Don’t look at them as though they are nothing, nah! They have lives! They are just like other Spirit you honour and respect though they are lower beings.

I hope this make sense to the readers…just like how rumours spread in human world, it spread in their worlds too; what do you want them to spread about you? What type of beings will be attracted to you when the rumours about your action towards them spread? You may think you’re well protected and nothing will touch you, but you plan to have your own family or you’re a family person? Do you think you’re really free?

My point is that before any step is taken, first know the CAUSE, and the best way or method to correct the wrong. Don’t just call a Spirit that will kill them or injure them. After the work is done, the consequences will be terrible.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. fapa

    How do I please the spirits who inadvertently raised my voice towards them, especially since I cannot hear them clearly or communicate physically IS burning incense Good ?

    1. Lux Fero

      Merely raising your voice will do them nothing, except you’re a powerful person or if you are holding such tool as the Grand Seal.

      If you are a person well empowered, your energy will hurt them.

      If you are with the Grand Seal, it’s the power of the Seal that will strike fear and terror in them.

  2. Faba

    But do you think that burning the incense will satisfy the angry of them if he was hurt?

  3. Faba

    frankincense good ?

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