THE SIXTH MYSTERY: The seal of the Virtues or Potentates.
“The peculiar Arcanum (mystery) of this seal of the Mighty is the following: If a man wears this seal in bed, he will learn what he desires to know through dreams and visions.”
The Book also gives names of the most obedient angels of the choirs of Virtues or Potentates.

This seal, I want you to print out and it’s size shouldn’t be much. Don’t use the full or whole A4 paper. If you have a powdered incense that has strong sweet odour, apply some, then wrap the paper neatly.
Colours of the thread needed is Red, Green and Blue. Wrap the paper with this thread color, seal it well. Note that if you don’t have this colours you can get other colours, be it brown, yellow or any color. But don’t use one color.
If you don’t have an incense, after wrapping it. Perfume the seal with sweet fragrance, it will make much sense if it’s a spiritual perfume.
When all that is done, carry the seal on your hand and say these words:
The Conjuration.
I call upon the virtues, powers and names written in this seal by the holiest words which you give obedience to, that you always render me service whenever I need it, and that you fulfill what I desire in and by the name of the Great God who created you and I. Fiat. Fiat. Fiat. Amen.
After this conjuration, the seal is all done. Just like I described the usage here …
hello whats your experience with this seal?
also did the angels of this seal appeared to you through dreams or such?
can this seal be used for protection and also to grant desires or wishes when you speak to the seal?
“The peculiar Arcanum (mystery) of this seal of the Mighty is the following: If a man wears this seal in bed, he will learn what he desires to know through dreams and visions.”
The Book also gives names of the most obedient angels of the choirs of Virtues or Potentates.