Whatever people do not know they condemn.
A newbie in spirituality, total noob, a Christian, a religious freak saw a seal on my phone, and started bad-mouthing it. He said I’m inviting devil into my life; that what am I doing with things of Satan etc…
And he further said I should go give my life to Christ, viz: “Stop all the nonsense you’re doing and give your life to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. The One who can save you by His Grace. Stay with the only true God. Enough of this jargons of speaking with angels, Spirits because they don’t exist and if they exist they are only for God. I never had success with anything, I’ve prayed, read lots of books but nothing. John, you’re just deceiving yourself, this things are not real. It’s the devil that comes in disguise as an angel of God to deceive you. Repent, brother, before it’s too late for you…”
This is the seal he saw on my phone:

Secret seal
I looked at him and shake my head, because this is the religious way, the Christians especially. He doesn’t understand the figure, nor it’s mystery and he choose to condemn it.
He said they are not real but at the same time he claimed it’s the devil in disguise – I think this religious people are lost.
The Mystery Of The Seal.
In the first period of nature God was addressed by the Name Shaddaï (שדי). In the second period of the law He bore the unutterable Name of IHVH (יהוה), which they pronounce as Jehovah (some people pronounce it as Yahweh, but it’s unutterable). In the period of grace He was called upon as IHShVH (יהשוה) utterable Jesus, which is also written IHS, in three letters.
The Christians don’t know this, they are full of “the Bible says”, “it is written”, “thus says the scripture”. Even though the Bible they have with them isn’t complete, it’s just summaries of the actual manuscripts. They will argue these too that the Bible is complete, but then what happened to Enoch, what’s his age before death, how did he die, how many years did he even spent on Earth? who knows? They all claimed Lucifer was a fallen angel, that he refused to obey God’s will and he was cast-off. Ask them, where did they get this stories from! Because it’s not in the Bible they have with them. A guy even quote me a verse in the book of Isaiah 14:12, which says:
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!”
“O you dumb head”, I replied him! “You of little understanding! Where is knowledge! Speak of wisdom but you are buried with folly!” I said the Speaker of that verse was referring to King Nebuchadnezzar, he was just making a reference. Nebuchadnezzar was so great that he thought he is bigger than God and he was cut down, he was then compared to Lucifer who said he will ascend to the High Throne of Glory but was cast out of his Father’s house. How did this verse described Lucifer’s fall?
This noob condemned Occultism, condemned the seal and said Christianity is the way; he didn’t know that their mysterious founder, Jesus, knows what Occultism is. In fact, His name is used to banish and fight off rebellious Spirits.
The IHS is the name of Jesus Christ whom they claimed they worship. The double circle has its meaning too but I won’t mention that. But because he doesn’t know what it is he called the seal Demonic and evil.
The IHS is the same as JHS. It’s written as JHS in some books. Even in Magical circles. I’ve seen it on the vestements of Reverend Fathers too.
And the strange looking things around the circle as he called it, the Hebrew alphabet are the mystical Yod Hé Vau Hé, IHVH.
The Name of God which they pronounced as Jehovah, Yahweh.
Now how is the seal evil or devilish? The power of the Son and the Father all together as One, plus their virtue and excellence into One. That’s a beautiful powerful seal! How is that evil and devilish oh ignorant Christians?!
The Hexagram of David is even on Israel’s flag, Israel: Jerusalem, where all Christians dream of visiting to see with their eyes where Jesus was nailed, His cross, His tomb, the house He lived in then; according to those who have visited there they said everything was intact, that the loaves of bread that was left in the house Jesus lived with Mary didn’t spoil till date, it was fresh as if it’s newly baked. They also said the blood from when he was nailed on the cross that dropped to the ground didn’t dry. It was in the Bible that he prayed at a time to the extent that his sweat turns blood, and that Elijah and Moses appeared to him; there on that mountain Jesus hid a writs amidst some rocks. They said it’s all there till today but they won’t allow people get near it.
Well, I’ve only been there astrally in 2016. That place is well guided by Angels. They only gave me chance to get near them because I’m all white like them. But they won’t let me explore. I met some Angels where they put Jesus’s cross, I was gonna go closer but he brought out a sword. I turned back. I saw the room with the bread, plus the utensils they use then (no damage on anything in that room) and I was gonna look far, my eyes was shut, the terrible angel appeared and said ‘leave now’. Some of them were even surprised I was able to pass through the boundaries they set, which no one should be able to pass except you have the same energy/etheric body as them.
I don’t see anything wrong with that seal nor did I see anything devilish or evil in it, or did you? I can even call it a Christian seal. Because it’s the name of the Father and of that of the Son that’s there.
Oh do you wonder how or where I get the seal? An Angel gave it to me. This was how Solomon got his too and we called the seal “Solomon’s seal”. So this is kind of Lux Fero’s seal, because, according to the Angel who revealed it to me he said he would give me a gift no ones has yet, and thus the seal appeared on a metal, in the air. He gave me it’s full secrets, how to avail myself of its services. And the warnings and cautions to take heed of lest I get consumed by power and perish in the way.
Nice post as always.
You are very knowledgeable and experienced.
This is what people of Light need.