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Solomon Seal Powered Money Spell

I received some really good, positive feedbacks on the previous money spell given: Sustenance Of Man.  And I’m liking it. Because like I said too, “Do not just read this and say, “interesting”. Take a bold step, I want testimonies.”

Many people got the key! That the alms giving is what unlocks the door for this spell to work. Because it is like a peace offering; Caesar, take what’s yours – give way to what’s mine!  It’s that simple. No negativity attached. No strict rule or iron hand. The forces of the money spell are not under any constriction or force or any power leading them to work. It is all naturally, peaceful and so the receiver of their services is at peace too. No setbacks whatsoever for you have paid your dues, the alms. Caesar has nothing on you nor is there any ground for Caesar to stand against you because your offering will speak. It is the Law of the Universe.


In the previous post I used a different method to power the spells, hidden in darkness, but I have a new one and I’m using one of Solomon’s seal or character to power it.
You already know the “how”. Have it printed out, burn it to ash and mix the ash with soap, and bath daily in the morning. Do not forget that alcohol should be used to mix the ash with the soap, not water.

And do not forget the sole energy that powers this, it is alms giving! No amount is too small… yet make sure you are not giving off pennies.  If you are chanced to buy food for the hungry or homeless, for at least three people, it really suffices.
Give alms to at least three people, you can do more too. You can give up to 7 people… don’t be in a situation where you could do more but you withheld, thinking all that matters is to give to three people, and your spell will work: Do not be selfish to yourself.  Give out freely, for freely you shall receive.

Here is the Money Spell:

I blurred it a little. The spells here are written in Yoruba language, and are our actual traditional money spells, that requires buying some stuffs, march or burn them together, has some complicated procedures before it can be finished.
But I got the tweak, and powered it with the half right of Solomon mystical seal/character.

I’m awaiting testimonies. I seriously am.  I don’t want to see or hear ‘interesting’, please. I only want to hear how it works for you.

Questions are welcome.

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