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Oration – Sustenance Of Man.

For the many who are familiar with my works and my arts would already know that I don’t do “rituals”, I don’t perform rituals, I don’t give no ritual. I’m not familiar with that term at all, it is not part of me.

I have totally turned down borrowing modern terminologies in my things; we will be seen as birds of the same feather but the truth is I am not among the birds in the sky.

Every ceremonial operation, candle spell, enchantment, talismanic works, energy wielding, seal etc is now called or termed ritual. I implore thee, do not call mine rituals, give it the name or title I pronounced it, they are all not “rituals”, please.

Today I bring to you an Oration that isn’t based on a certain area but very random and so I titled it: Sustenance Of Man. It will work in many areas…not designated or assigned to one. Of course! Tweaked.


O Adonai; God of Mercy and Truth, most Benign and Liberal, Thy mercy on me, and have pity upon me for Thy faithfulness is with me, though I have stiffened my neck, for I am but a miserable sinner; overlook me not, O my God, lest the wicked swallow me up, as though there were none to deliver; chasten me Thyself in Your good pleasure and forgive the iniquity of my sin, for Thou art my God from the beginning, and upon Thee is my hope set, o Lord! And I will not depart from Thee, for good are Your judgments upon me. Thou art God who do good to them that call upon You; Who cleanses from sin a soul when it makes confession, when it makes acknowledgement; who forgives sins to them that have sinned: Who bless the righteous, and does not reprove them for the sins that they have committed and Your goodness is upon them that sin when they repent: Behold and show pity, O God of Jacob, for I am Yours, and remove not Thy mercy from me: Let your right hand cover me, O’Lord, for if You givest not strength, who can endure chastisement! Bow down Your pitiful ears and hear me; Pay no respect to mine innumerable iniquities but deign to answer my prayer: Rule me, O God, keeping me back from wicked sin, and from every wicked woman that causes the simple to stumble and let not the beauty of a lawless person beguile me. nor any one that is subject to unprofitable sin.
Establish the works of my hand before Thee and preserve my doings in the remembrance of Thee. Protect my tongue and my lips with words of truth: anger and unreasoning wrath put far from me. Murmuring, and impatience in affliction, remove far from me, but with patience and love, goodwill and cheerfulness support may soul. And in the spirit of wisdom and righteousness, strengthen me! Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplications; I cry to You all day long, rejoice the soul of Thy servant, for to Thee I lift up my soul. My eyes wastes away because of grief: I called upon You, O God, I stretched out my hands to You; will You work wonders for the dead? Shall the dead arise and praise You? Shall the dead arise and praise you? Shall Thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave or Thy faithfulness in the place of destruction? Where is Thy old lovingkindness and mercy of old which Thou showed our forefathers! Look down on this creature of Thine and raise me up, back to life: for my soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near to the grave, I am counted with those who go down to the pit; I am like a man who has no strength, adrift among the dead, like slain who lie in the grave, whom You remember no more; acquaintances are far from me. I have become an abomination to the peoples: O God. have mercy on me for I am weak; restore me to health, who am sick; raise me up, for l am dead; give me life once more, and enrich me in all my parts, within and without, so that, furnished and fortified by Thee I may abide always in Thee, O Most High, praising and honoring You in words, thoughts and deeds: Leay yli Ziarite zelohabe et negoramy Zien latebm dama mecha rameti aziri.
That I may sing with Thy angels: O-mappa la-man, hallelujah.
Fiat. Fiat. Fiat. Amen.

Write thou this prayer or oration or print it on a clean virgin paper; burn it to ash and mix with either solid, powder or liquid soap for bath.  Stir or mix the ash with soap and divide the soap into four: One portion of the prepared soap for each pentacle given below, and there will be one portion left. 

* Soap For Day One: For this pentacle you shall use a strong alcohol, whisky or brandy to mix the soap together with the ash. 

Note: When you already burn the prayer into ash and mixed the ash with soap, then divide the soap into four parts. Get this pentacle and burn it to ash and mix it with one part of the four soaps. Do the same process with the rest of the pentacles. 


* Soap For Day Two: For this Pentacle you shall use red oil, also known as palm oil, to mix the ash with the soap. 

Soap For Day Three: For this pentacle you shall use pure honey 🍯 to mix the soap together with the ash. 


* And on the fourth day, prepare the water for bath in a bowl or bucket 🪣, spray in some sweet fragrance/perfume, or any spiritual perfume you have but one with a very sweet odour. And you are good to bath the fourth soap. 
* You shall bathe all of this soap 2PM or 3PM in the afternoon when the Sun shines brightest, with a clear cloud. 
* During this three/four days take note of your surroundings; dreams will come too, take note. 

They say: “Blessed is the foot of him who brings good news”, even more blessed art thou if you succeed in this operation: Be Of Good Cheer. 

Questions are welcome. 

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