The fifth Pentacle of the Greater Key of Solomon serves for assured vision, says the book:
Figure 22. The Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter. – This hath great power. It serveth for assured visions. Jacob being armed with this Pentacle beheld the ladder which reached unto heaven.
This Pentacles, the book explains that it should be prepared on metals (gold, silver, iron, etc) and if there is no metal, a virgin parchment should be used. But metals are not so easy to get in our time. Same as parchment. And for this cause we prepare this Pentacles on ordinary paper, virgin paper, and it works, though tweaked.
Some of the Pentacles requires some recipes to make it work, but some will work without any recipes. While some works without recipes but its work will be slow and looks like there is no effect at all, but with the recipes, it will work awesomely.
The Fifth Pentacle is one that doesn’t need any recipes to work effectively, but a sweet odour perfume is needed.
You can perform the preparation of this Talisman on a Wednesday or any day if you don’t lock your faith on planetary days, hour.
Get a new paper, an A4 will do. Get a clean ink (an ordinary pen will work). Write or draw the talisman. You don’t need a big paper,the paper should be small. See mine:

I wrote the versicle around it in Latin not Hebrew. It doesn’t matter.
Some people can’t draw it and they prefer to print it. When you’re done with the drawing, fold the paper, and wrap it with thread of two or three colors. Do it whichever way you can, just make sure the threads fully covers the paper. And if some part of the papers still shows after wrapping it, don’t worry, it will work.
See samples of a seal of such:
Keep in mind that you don’t need to use this design or make it look beautiful, but to make sure the thread or silk covers the paper.
When it’s fully wrapped, perfume it. If you have a spiritual perfume use it. A sweet odour fume is what it need. And make sure you perfumed it if you noticed that the seal doesn’t have strong smell of the fragrance anymore.
* For those who already have their senses developed, just hold the seal in your hand, speak to it. Say exactly what you want to know. And close yours eyes, wait for an answer. It’s instant.
* But for those who doesn’t have their senses developed, who doesn’t even know much or anything about occult. You shall use this seal when you’re about to sleep, not only at night. Hold it in your hand, say what you wish to know at the seal, and place it under your pillow. You shall lay head on the pillow to sleep. And it shall be revealed to you through dream whatever you wished to know.
*** Treat this seal with care lest it lose its virtue and power. It’s not a seal that welcomes dirt.
If you can carry out this operation it will really benefit you. You won’t need to waste money on divination anymore. And there is no need to doubts what you see because it’s a Spirit that will show you dream, vision not your subconscious self, which might look to you like, ‘maybe I’m seeing what I wish to see’. No! A high rank being will come to show you what you asked for.
My Experience With This Seal.
When I was in high school, my M brought me a phone, an expensive one. Someone came in and took it beside me on bed because I left the door opened. I knew this would happen because the very day I got the phones, eyes have been following me. And the phone was stolen the 3rd day.
Now, I didn’t know much then. But I got this seal from a prophet. And I used it. And what i dreamt about was funny to me.
I saw myself that night how I went in, operate the phone for a while, listening to music and I dozed off. And 2 hours later, a guy came in to ask of my grandma but he saw a lil boy with a big phone sleeping. He took the phone and left. I woke up! What’s more funny about this dream? The face of the guy was blurred in the dream. I didn’t see him. But I was able to guess whom he is by his body, he’s one of our neighbour. Someone I see daily.
Take note, don’t always expect the seal to work like this, at times it gives proverbial visions or dreams.
Bless be!
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Please help me I want to by very powerful
What is power? What is it to be powerful?
Hello Lux!!!
1) Do you think it matters if I print out this pentacle instead of drawing it with a pen?
2) Does the color of the ink is important because for Jupiter the color is blue?
3) Can I put the seal in a mojo bag of any color instead of wrapping it with thread or silk?
1. It doesn’t matter.
2. No, it doesn’t. Any ink color would do except there is instructions that a certain color should be used.
3. No, you can’t. It has to be wrapped with thread or silk.
Did you get back the phone from the guy?
Oh no. How will I confront him? I let it go.
Can this seal be used to know about someone?
Yes. But if the person is well protected you will hardly see things about them.
Hello greetings from Yoruba tribe can i use this seal to know lotto number ???
Oh no, this one is not meant for that.
Can this seal be used to see the spirits around me?
Can this seal be used to see the spirits around me?
While you’re awake or through dreams? Through dreams you may see them but then the dreams maybe erased by the Spirits around you if they don’t want you to see them.