Yeah, just as the title says but a little bit exaggerated. The character enable one to see tomorrow but it’s bigger than just seeing the future. For example, if you will start a business or go on a journey, and you wish to see and know everything about your journey, the character helps perfectly.
For those who practice magical arts, or mere occult practitioner, through this character they can meet the Sages/Hierophants of the past.

* I gave the character to my lil brother to test it; what he puts in mind was, “I want to see Solomon temple”. And he was taken there, they showed him the temple, he saw many things there and woke up to remember nothing beside, “Yes, I was taken there, I saw it, I saw two big pillars, many things there are made of gold…but the big parts of it, I can’t remember.” That’s what he kept saying. And what’s that big part, he doesn’t know but he knew he was shown something big. The Angels fulfilled the saying “secret things should be kept secretly”. My brother said at least he confirmed that Solomon and his temple really did existed.
* I gave the character to a lady then who wanted to know the outcome of the new hand-work she is learning…but the night she will use the movie, she watched a Korean movie, and she has interest in one of the Korean actor in the movie called ‘Gu Jun Pyo’, and wished she could meet him, have dinner together, spend time with him, etc. Lo! She used the character that night with such thought in mind and she saw that she traveled to Korea, she met the guy. They went for shopping, eat together, play around and she woke up.
That’s how this character works! What you have in mind is what you get. That’s why I titled this post as “To Get Your Dreams Come True…In Your Dream”. It will look like it’s reality but you’ll wake up to see it’s all a dream.
If you will use the character make sure you put on your mind what you wish to know or explore.
The Character.
To use this character, write or draw it on a small clean paper. Write your name in the front, and behind the paper a double circle with the names of the Angels within.
There is a sign like cross or plus sign on the front side, it has hexagram on top, and Moon by the right, Sun by the left.
Put the figure under your right ear on retiring in the evening, then say the following oration.
O glorious Name of the Great Living God, all times and all things are ever present to you; O Eternal Father, I am your servant N., I beg you to send to me your holy Angels who are written in this circle, who will show me what I wish to know and learn, by Your Name Jah! So be it.
When the oration is completely said, put the figure (front side up) under your pillow.
I myself have experience with these figure but there are things people would find hard to believe or think maybe I’m sick. So I didn’t bother sharing it. It’s a potent character.
Hi Luxfero,
Quick question about the oration is the “J in Jah “ like the “J in John” or is it a Y sound as in “Yah “
It can be pronounced as the ‘J’ in John “Jah”, and as the same time pronounced as Yah. Both works. Both is correct.