*** This seal can be used by anyone, but because of the words the world of religions preaches, this has put fear into the heart of many.
This seal will make Demons appear and work for you, obedient to you, and in return be faithful to/with them and command them with respect. But because it’s Demons, many will see this as something evil or black magic, but it’s not. It’s totally and perfectly safe, just because it has Demons attached to it doesn’t make it black or white magic.
In fact not everyone can you use a powerful seal as this, because many practice ‘dirty magic’ but call it ‘black magic’, if you’re the type that does that they won’t last long with you or may leave instantly when they appear and see the things around you. That’s why the Sages said: ‘Know your craft’.
Many don’t know their craft nor what they are doing and these brings them great bad luck; and the same reason why their spells and other works or rituals doesn’t seem to work.
If you have a clean path this seal will surely work for you. Even if you have a rough path, challenges or sorts, the Spirits behind this seal will serve you and help you clear your paths. But they avoid dirts.
*** I’ve been interested in making more stuff not relating to the holy ones (angelic beings), but I don’t know much about other beings then. There is this Incantation I can’t remember where I get it…
The Incantation is: Amantish dolikoh trev’servalis janta karanta.

I didn’t observe any day or hour, I wrote this incantation on a small A4 paper with an ordinary ink (ball pen); I applied an incense with no sweet odour, and fold the paper. I sealed it with a brown thread because I don’t have a black thread. It can be either brown or black thread.
And the instant it’s done, I put it around my neck, three Spirits appeared, like I invoked them.
Them: We’re here.
Me: Oh so hmm… you’re the Spirits behind this words?
Them: Yes.
Me: Ok. So, what class of Spirits are you, angel?
Them: No. Demon.
Me: And your ranks, of the lowest?
Them: No, highest.
Me: So, what will you do for the wearer of this seal?
Them: As wall of protection, guide, whatever they want.
Me: Can you save them from evil eyes, attacks, and baneful works?
Them: Yes. (One of them exclaim: I will destroy evil eyes. One said: I will write off baneful attacks.)
Me: For how long will you serve this person? Is it for a short time or for as long as they have the seal?
Them: For as long as they have the seal. (One say: Until the seal is destroyed).
Me: Incase the person forget to go out with the seal but need your service, will you turn them down because they are not with the seal or you would answer them.
Them: Sure, we would.
Me: Are you a servant of Belial?
Reply: NO!
(I armed myself with a seal called “The Grand Seal”, I’m always with it, so as I pronounced Belial name, he appeared instantly)
Then Belial appeared, said: They are not my servants.
Me: Ok, they are your ministers?
Belial: No. They are not under my command.
The Three: No, we are not.
Me: What should they give in return for your service?
Them: Nothing.
Me: I mean, the type of offering…
Them: No offering. We desire nothing but their honor and faithfulness.
Me: Let’s say the bearer is broke, and need some change, can you fetch them money quickly?
Them: Yes, we can.
Me: Do you have servants under you?
Them: Yes. – (and i heard. “we’re here”).
Me: Oh you came with your servants?
Them: Yes.
(I saw that each one came with 5 servants. Making 15 servants around them altogether).
Me: So, it means you’re of high order?
Them: Yes, we told you.
Thanks, you may leave now.
Them: Thank you.
There is something very interesting about these: That same day, when I slept around 5PM, I had a dream that goes like: I heard a voice said to me, “if you add nail and an earthworm to the seal you prepared, we would know what to do by ourselves with you saying nothing. We would know what to do at the right time.” Then I woke up.
I was wondering what this could mean, and of one my Familiar Spirits said ‘it’s them‘, pointing at the Beings that came from the seal.
We spoke; They said they want me to know how to enhance it. That if I can’t get a worm, I should add some part of a snake tail or snake skin.
With my little understanding in this field and spiritual path, if nail is involved in a work such work is a powerful one; and a worm is involved or snake skin…I don’t need to say much, just ‘judge’ this by the nature of the animal. That’s how powerful the seal will be.
But I would prefer a snake over a worm.
If someone is planning evil against you, or wishing you anything negative, if care is not taken by them, they may lose their life. That’s how powerful the seal will become.
And beside adding the recipes that gives the Spirits the ability to know what to do, you can always hold the seal in your hand and talk to it. It’s the Demons that will hear your words and put it in action.

Can you explain how you wrap the thread around that soft paper?
U fold the paper into 4 or more, depends on the size of the paper used. Then wrap the thread around it, not tightly… but softly. And at the same time, the thread shouldn’t be be loose, make it firm.
Hello ,
I did the powerful seal last night.I had dream I was in a company premises,I took a drink,like wine or an alcoholic drink.
When I left the office, within the premises I discovered that I have lost my wallet,I told the security that o lost my wallet,he was holding a wallet and asked me if it’s the one he is holding,I said yes,but the money inside was different notes, brand new,I said that the wallet is mine,but that I don’t have that type of currency in my wallet.someone standing by us took the currency notes and gave me back my wallet,but no money inside.
Another dream I had was that,I was paying people money that I owed them.
Please,I don’t understand the meaning.
I forgot to perfume the seal after I drew it yesterday, but I perfumed it with frankincense this morning after I woke up,is it still okay?
Or I should make another one?
Whaaaaat! That first dream is wow but sad. Bro! There are Spirits who wants to help you and they did helped you, rejected their favour. That was why you found a new notes but you said the currency wasn’t yours and someone’s else got it. So the glory, gift or whatever those Spirits brought to you you refused to accept it. Everything you’ve lost in life, they planned to bring it all back to you. All that is good that belongs to you they would bring it back to you in a way you don’t expect, but you threw it all out. That’s the meaning of the first dream.
The second dream: The Spirits should be the one doing the payment but because you refused their favour, they left you to do it.
In a nutshell, you bro, could fall into a big mess if you’re not careful. There are positive big stuff, good things that’s still your path, many good in your way and they want to help you get it all. Clean your path, make straight the crooked way in your life; but their first attempt you didn’t welcome it.
A hint: The Spirits will feel sad towards this actions of yours and probably shift back. And before you realise it, the seal won’t work anymore.
Wow you’re one of the few who quickly got a positive response from using that seal. Others take weeks, a month before they start noticing changes.
You need to sit tight, meditate well on this, find a way to communicate with these beings…
Thanks so much,I was trying to be honest in not.
Can I try another request or repeat the same request to them.?
I am really in need.
Please, do you suggest I stop using the seal and destroy it by burning it?Because I don’t want any spirit to mess up my life,I am trying as much possible in this our country, Nigeria to live a honest life.I am not into fraudulent activities.However, that does not mean that I am perfect.Please,I need your magus advice.Also,is it possible you can help me to get the original version of Sixth and Seven Book of Moses.I was planning to get the edition by Joseph Peterson.Kind Regards.Temife NwaniNB.I leave in Sango Area,I can visit you for spiritual consultation and Magical training.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Based on your response to my dreams that I had
I approached Spirits and explained to them that I did not reject their gifts.
So I had another dream,this time around,I was given thousands of 1000 crisp notes by a former coworker as transport fare.As soon as I took it,I woke up, meanwhile,there was lots of money in my pocket in that dream.
That was the second dream.
The first dream,was where I was with my wife, brother in-law and his wife,he bought a bunch of ripe plantain, while I also asked my to buy some plantain also for us.
While I also bought 3 fresh Maize all by a roadside Shop.
I think i am being given another opportunity.
Luxfero To create the seal of this post(https://feroilluminatedarts.wordpress.com/2020/02/28/about-a-seal/) with earthworm and nail To create the seal of this post with earthworm and nail… I can use earthworm “snake louse”???
How to use the worm??? Do you have to let it dry in the sun?? or put it dead? Or puts alive??
You can put it alive, dead or dried.
i have a thread but its color is light brown can it be used?
Can a seal be fumigated with frankincense every period of time as food for spirits?
No, except the seal requires frankincense. If it doesn’t and you fumigate it, that’s profane’ness or you abused it.
I haven’t done it but how do I rejuvenate or what should I do when I haven’t used it for a while? @luxfero
Different method for different seals/talisman.
At this i cant find insense will the seal work without it?
Yes, it will with the other materials present.
Greetings great Lux fero Can this seal be used to influence someone to do as you desire?
If the Spirits behind it are willing, then it will work.
At times they would be ready to do it but when there is blockage of some sort, they wouldn’t be able to near the person’s heart/mind.
Is it the princes they leave under this seal to serve the bearer?
Hi lux fero i used a rusty nail is it ok?
Yes, it is OK. 👍
Can this seal be used to curse or torment your enemies?
Lux fero can this seal be used to bless and lets say i have enemies that are after my life can it curse them?
100%. But be very considerate, don’t act when you are angry or when you’re in the pain gotten from the oppressor.
Lux fero when you first used this seal did the demons appear to you in human form? If not what appearance did they take when you used it. I just want to know your experience with it.
Yes, in human form. No deformity or anything strange or scary. Dressed like a warrior, and their servants behind them.
Lux fero can. Can this seal be used to remove blockages?
Yes. Speak to it, they will do their best.
Do i have to tell them the type of blockage?
Lux fero if i were to use it to remove blockages do i have to tell the seal the type of blockage to remove?
Yes. And if you know how to scan… You can communicate with well. Know if it’s a blockage they can completely removed or the type of blockage that requires you give an offering, so that you may go free.
Give to Ceaser what Ceaser desire.
Lux fero hi i made this seal a while back i added earthworm and nail. Ive found a snake today i decided im gonna add the tail to the seal what do you suggest i do destroy the first seal and make it all over again?
Nope. Create a new seal entirely and use the snake.
So what should i do with old seal keep it?
Yes. Keep it. Both seals will serve you.
Lux fero i added the snake tail yesterday this morning i woke up a foul odor is coming from the seal it seems the tail is rotting will that affect the seal?
My goodness! It should be a dried one, not fresh.
Lux fero what should i do its a fresh one i used!!!!
No problem, leave it. It’s doing it wonders.
If you are in a meditating state, speak to the seal, say: Show thyself to me.
You’ll see that it’s active.
Lux fero please today i had the seal in my lap i was with my friends and my mom called me so i got up and seal drop on the ground i went to my mom and when i got back i saw my friend with my seal because it drop on the ground unknowingly and i did know my friend took up the seal for me but when i spoke with mom and got back i took my seal from my friend. Will the seal be affected because my friend held it?
No, no problem at all. It’s all good.
Lux fero how does these one fetch money can they go to bank let someone mistakenly type my account number or these ones work different?
Hi lux fero pordon my ignorance I tell the demons seal it should fetch me money and in my dream i see a man giving me cowry said i should put it inside my pocket and it will turn to money and some instructions but i forget that instructions what do you think lux fero.
If you’re a simple practitioner or you have some strange beings attached to you, you won’t get much from the seal in that area of wealth.
lux fero im going in town today Please i want to know if this seal can be used to go unseen in crowd can it be used that way?
Lux fero sorry to bothe your piece but i have a question please do these demons have more than 100 servants under them? please i beg can you answer my question 🙏.
Yes, they do. They have more than that. But they rarely go out with much servants; it’s the Theurgia Goetia beings that goes out with plenty of their servants.
Lux fero can i use these words to remove blockage in my path with this demons seal?They pierced my hands and my feet, they ruined my path; I suffer hunger day by day.The Lord at my right hand shall wound even kings in the days of His wrath and bring my enemies down so they rise no more.
Wow lux fero fero please can you help me decipher this vision from the demons seal I tell the demons seal it should fetch me money and in my dream i see a man giving me cowry said i should put it inside my pocket and it will turn to money some instructions i forgot what i can remember is the said i should never put it in trouser jins packets that if i forgot to put it inside i will not be able to get money.
Please lux fero this is the second vision i want help to decipher
This dream i had was that,it was the place i work at,the boss of that work, let say my boss,who after we the workers whose finished our work and then it’s time for us to get our pay ,the call all of us into a room like a classroom and our boss and then i saw my JHS master who was sitting next to our boss and our boss was also sitting on top of large amounts of money and they start to call out names to come forward to collect our pay, i don’t believe my name was the first to mention, and i went forward to takes mine The money they give me,doubles to some amount i put it inside my pocket.
I had this seal in my pocket while having sex no affect right mr fero?
Well, on this one no problem. But seriously some seals can’t be treated that way. It’s like abusing the art. The seal might strike you or the energy melt off and it will become just paper and thread.
Mr. Fero what kind of incense can be used, I know it can’t be a sweet one, can you please give me the names of incense I can use for this seal, thank you
The incenses have different names; I know their names only in Arabic and Yoruba tongues.
But use an incense or perfume that is not of sweet odour.
Also I need to clear this: There are seals related to Demons that requires sweet odor Incense.
Thank you so much! Mr. Fero
Thank you for this great talisman. if you prepare the above talisman and it is not working is there any way that you can get rid of it or prepare a new one
There is no way it won’t work but if you feel so, disoolve it and prepare a new one.