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More Insight About Angels.

I became more curious about these beings called Angels; I never knew there are those that surpass ranks and there are those totally off ranks. Plus the Countenances.

I had a long conversation with my Guardian Angel then, he taught me more.

He said he’s 1st rank (which I know about). He mentioned a Name Olyaram. He said this Angel don’t belong to their ranks, i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd ranks. He told me to invoke him and fetch information from him, which I did.

Olyaram appeared in a white garment, very transparent but I couldn’t see anything, not his body, but the vestment is as transparent as a crystal. Something interesting happened. I didn’t know there are some Spirits hanging around in my chamber, some hide in the shadow. While I was chatting with Olyaram, he suddenly looked around, and a sword appeared in his hand. I saw a brigh light appeared and it formed a sword in his hand. He approached the walls, and said: Get out! I was wondering ‘who is he talking to?’. Then I saw them all rushed out, some are just inches tall. Some really have the height of man but with wings of a bat. He said to some: Drop it! Now leave.

I was just there wondering, like, wow amazing! So I wasn’t in this room alone?
I asked Olyaram of his rank, he said: Special Rank. He’s way higher than those ranked in numbers.

That same day I met Al, Alal, Alalo. These ones are even higher than Olyaram.

It’s so nice to he around this beings. I requested one of them to give me some of the names of God Moses used then to pray so that he won’t die, and to beg for forgiveness. They gave me, I kind of pronounced one there and there was lightning instantly with a silent thundering sound, and One of them smile and called my name, Lux Fero.

Most of them who came that day wore white vestement, nothing much. I saw only their heads, neck and hands. They speak with calm voice.

Alalo said many years after Lucifer rebellion, some of them that are off ranks, but very high hierarchy, did betrayed and was cast out by Father. He also told me Lucifer doesn’t belong to those ranked by numbers, he’s very犀利士

I requested for names of Martian Angels, that here and there it’s been Samaël, I want those higher than Samaël, I got: Almanah, Almariah (their actual names). • I was told Samaël isn’t his actual name, it’s a title, like Michael, Gabriel, Anael, that it’s not their names.

I was so confident and comfortable around them that I speak as though I’m with my uncles.

A Demon came around to deliver a message to me, maybe he didn’t know they are inside with me, he came in with speed, he fell and ran out. I also asked if I can give out their names to the public, they said YES.

Angels aren’t what religion teaches or whatever’s out there. They are without end. The list is long. Michael, Gabriel, those well known Archangels are of special ranks too. Same as beings like Belial, Satan, Paimon, Devil (yeah, he’s an entity on his own), Buné and so on. And people believe the Archangels are of the highest rank; I saluted Al like that, but he smiled and said I’m not that.

When I heard about Belial and the rest, I was like no wonder he’s revered as King Belial, as described in the Goetia. Some are called Mighty Lord, Great King.

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